Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Best Way Strap On Goalie Pads

I've got the power to kick your ass!

I feel strong. I am mistress of myself, sure of my ideas and proud of the choices I made and I will do. I feel satisfied when, after receiving puzzled looks in front of my motorcycle jacket and my sweatshirt worn, head-on step in front of the nth bunch of ignorant paesanotti surface. My father still has financial problems, my mother's love is still on the bottom of the bottles of wine and the school is always the same oppressive and repressive madhouse, but there were clear improvements. First the philosophy lessons are free and each day more interesting, because fortunately our teacher is not one of those who are maniacally obsessed from strict compliance with the program and then leave us discuss and explore issues that concern us most. And it's a man with an immense culture and speak with him is quite challenging, even though I prefer to listen to him, because he always finds a way to amaze and fascinate me. Another good thing is my friendship with Tiziana in reality is not new, it's just one of my dearest friends and I really like about her. Tiziana is my classmate and has beautiful blue eyes indigo. Can play the guitar and sings well, but the thing I most appreciate in her is an open mind: it has no prejudices, is not materialistic and do not currency it is that people as they appear outwardly. He has a particular personality and tends to be melancholy with ease, but a person creative and intelligent and that is why I consider it a true artist, the art of living. He has the courage to say and do the very things that most people, but wishing it does not say or do, and I think that is the envy of those people-wrongly-that give much importance to the opinions of others. I like to talk to her because I feel that both have the same need to understand and to try as many things as possible, and then she also has a free spirit, which is not made to submit to taxation or burdensome demands. It's a girl sensitive and sweet and I really need her to be happy to be myself. When there is not much I miss and when the morning gets late to school I always fear that will not and that I'll spend the morning putting up the boredom and banality of most lessons. This, when added to the immense love I feel for Beppe , fills my heart with joy and serenity. While I have the love of my love and my friend and the opportunity to study philosophy, I feel that I am strong and ready to tackle any difficulties.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

White Discharge Sign Of Period

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These researchers have clarified the basic concepts biochemistry, with the help of ribonuclease, and were all rewarded with the Nobel Prize.
Fast and Aggressive
Ribonuclease A, shown above from the PDB file
, is an endonuclease, which means that the RNA can cut inside (endo) of the chain. Other
ribonuclease degrade RNA from the extremities, such as' esosoma
which is involved in the degradation of RNA inside cells.
Ribonuclease A binds to the RNA chain in the large pocket that holds the center of the structure (see figure below from the PDB file 1rta) and attacks with a set of amino acids and bases. Ribonuclease A is an aggressive demolition molecular size very quickly after the RNA bases cytosine, or, though more slowly, after those of uracil. In the course of evolution, has become so efficient that belongs to that small group of enzymes whose activity is not limited by their speed of reaction, but the rate of diffusion of the molecules that must degrade.
strong as a rock Ribonuclease A is incredibly stable. For example, in one of the steps to purify the pancreatic ribonuclease A bovine extracts are treated with sulfuric acid and heated to near boiling, the ribonuclease protein is the only survivor. This is not surprising because it is an enzyme secreted by the pancreas and must act in the intestine where the environment is very inhospitable. The stability of ribonuclease A is due in large part to the four disulfide bonds that bind together different parts of the protein chain and help maintain a compact form.

precision cutting
Ribonuclease A is a powerful tool to cut the RNA into pieces, but the cells also need other tools to make some changes to their target RNA. For example, transfer RNA molecules are synthesized
longer than necessary and then must be trimmed to correct length.

The enzyme ribonuclease
Z, shown on the left, shortening the side chain that binds the amino acid. This structure contains the enzyme in its dimeric form (light blue and dark blue) and a stretch of two molecules of transfer RNA (orange).
ribonuclease P, which consists of two protein chains and a ribozyme (an enzyme made of RNA), shorten the chain on the other side (not shown here).
ribonuclease III, shown below, binds RNA sequences around the double helix and makes some specific cuts, necessary for the operation and regulation of ribosomal RNA and messenger.

explore the structure Ribonuclease A is a molecular machine dangerous to cells because it cuts across the board, which meets each RNA. E 'toxic for the cells to the point that has also been tested as anticancer drug. Unfortunately it proved not only toxic to cancer cells, but also for than normal and therefore its use in chemotherapy has been abandoned. The cells defend themselves by ribonuclease A (shown in blue) synthesizing potent inhibitors like the one shown in green (PDB file 1dfj). These inhibitors bind immediately to any ribonuclease A molecule that is able to enter the cell. The bond is very strong realized due to the large contact surface between the two molecules, because the inhibitor is almost completely wrapped around the ribonuclease.

Note the unusual structure of the inhibitor that has a very symmetrical crown with many portions outside the alpha helix (in red in the picture below) and folds into so many portions beta (Yellow).
's also interesting to note that the structure of the inhibitor is stabilized by interactions between nonpolar amino acid leucine (highlighted with the atoms in the form of small balls) that protrude abundant in the inner portion of the inhibitor between the helices and beta pleated structures as shown in the figure below.

Source: PDB,


Saturday, March 12, 2011

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ribonuclease A new study uncovers the molecular mechanisms controlling gene expression in lung cancer RB2/p130.

var _gaq _gaq = Sbarro Health Research Organization Center for Biotechnology Research (SHRO), a center for cancer research in a nutshell, located in the College of Science and Technology at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA, and at the University of Siena in Italy examined the control mechanisms that determine gene expression in lung fibroblasts RB2/p130 and characterizing the effects of deregulation in the characteristics of RB2/p130 proliferative cell lung cancer. More importantly, their findings seem to have revealed that the gene is expressed differently in small cell lung cancer and in the non-small cell.
The new findings reveal the mechanism of control of gene expression in lung cells RB2/p130 , involving two proteins are relatively new, the CCCTC
CTCF) and Boris (CTCF-equivalent).
. "We found that in small cell lung cancer RB2/p130 the expression levels were low, while in non-small cell lung cancer is overexpressed compared to normal cells of the lung. However, until now, there has been insufficient and conflicting data that does not allow us to connect the deregulation of dell'epressione RB2/p130 with the mutation of this gene in the cells of lung cancer. This study has finally revealed the mechanism and the actors that control the expression of RB2/p130, and these results have high potential to provide important information for understanding the anti-proliferative and proliferative signals triggered by RB2/p130

In addition, research shows that RB2/p130 is engaged in a complex web of interactions with DNA methyltransferase (DNMTs) and other proteins, including CTCF and Boris, who are involved in epigenetic control of chromatin organization and transcription. This complex network of proteins appears to regulate cellular senescence - or aging - that is a very powerful anti-cancer mechanism.
Our studies may provide new insights into the molecular pathways that are active and correlated with the expression of RB2/p130 can be used as new biomarkers for early detection of lung cancer and / or predictors to determine the effect of treatment of cancer and be used for the development of clinical therapies based on modulation of RB2/p130, CTCF and / or expression of BORIS,
"says Dr. Macaluso.

Source: Eurekalert

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sneakers With Lateral Support


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A particular news regarding stem cell research. As many will know the stem cells promise a huge step forward in regenerative medicine due to their ability to regenerate diseased or damaged tissues. A major problem in the use of stem cells is the conversion. In fact, the most sought after stem cells are embryonic cells, the specific nature of these cells is to be pluripotent.
What does this mean? Put succinctly, the stem cells are the precursors of all other types of cells in our body. These undifferentiated cells who have the ability to form any cell type, as well as have the ability to produce more stem cells. That is why stem cells are called progenitor cells. Now we can split the stem cells in pluripotent and multipotent: the first, as the embryonic ones, are capable of being able to differentiate into any cell type in the embryo and in adults, other multipotent stem cells are defined because they can differentiate into many types phones, but not all types. A cell is farthest from the zygote, children become the potential of this cell type. The question of how to obtain embryonic stem cells clearly raises questions insurmountable ethical, and not end up being exploited. Despite all the stem cells are used, especially if it makes extensive use of somatic stem cells ,
in many cases are called adult stem cells, although not necessarily arise from the adults. In any case, these cells are multipotent and as said before are not very versatile as embryonic, then we could say that are limited in their use, and this is when they have developed the techniques of cellular reprogramming. Through these techniques that is done, put very briefly, is to erase the memory cell to bring her to the molecular pluripotent state. In this way, the somatic stem cells should be able to be safely used instead of embryonic regenerative medicine.

But a study has just been published in the journal Cell Death and differentation, reduces these hopes. The study conducted by the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Geneva and the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, with the participation of the laboratory Throne shows that in many cases, the reprogrammed stem cells showed some degree of "genomic instability", which seems to be caused by the process used to return the cells to "embryonic state". What seems even more serious is that the genetic changes observed are similar to those found in cancer cells. Scientists have concluded that the reprogramming of stem cells needs to be fully investigated before the cells can be considered for use in regenerative medicine. The experiments were performed using mammalian cells and mouse fibroblasts. The researchers used three different processes for the reprogramming of cells to a "root", or embryonic state. The first method was developed specifically for this study, and others are already been well documented. Should follow some of the articles in Nature.
Yet all processes lead to the same conclusion: genetic abnormalities multiplied, in a way that suggests that they are inherent to the process of genetic reprogramming stessa.Anomalie that seem similar to those caused by oncogenes. These findings underscore the need to conduct further studies. First, see if the genetic abnormalities are severe enough to affect the functioning and stability of regenerated through the reprogrammed cells, and second, "
refine the methods used to generate pluripotent cells induced in order to avoid this problem. "
Source: Eurekalert

Saturday, February 19, 2011

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the prion MOVE along axons in the brain.

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prion protein is found in the cell membrane of brain neurons. The misfolded form of the protein or infectious disease (also called "scrapie"), is responsible for the disease of so-called "mad cow
" and is involved in Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in humans . Non-infectious and infectious forms of prion proteins interact causing the disease, so in order to help to find out how the infection spreads within and between nerve cells in the brain, scientists have studied the mechanism dell'USCD allows normal PrPC to move in neuronal cells of mice.

"Our job is to unravel the mechanism of this movement pemette the normal prion protein, and this will help us more fully understand their mechanism of action. Curiously, our work may also shed light on what happens in other neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's E 'known that the normal prion proteins and prions, "infectious" must interact so that the structure with abnormal prions alter normal, but do not know how it happen and why it happens.
prion protein load travels along microtubules, which are used as the actual tracks and this allows prion particles to move within vesicles along the peripheral nerves and central nervous system to the synapse. The intracellular transport is often bi-directional, because the loads on a regular reverse their route to final destinations. Researchers have identified what are the motors driving these vesicles that allow the movement forward (anterograde) of kinesin-1 moves only to the synapses and dynein, which is retrograde, moving away from the synapse. These two proteins "engine" are associated with the vesicles containing PrPC allowing them to move back and forth along the microtubules.
Secondly, it was discovered that the movement back and forth of these "loaded" is modulated by regulatory factors rather than by other structural changes of the association between motor and load. The study data show that the activity of kinesin-1 and dynein are tightly coupled, allowing the vesicles containing PrPC to move at different speeds and for various lengths along axons.

The study of the mechanisms that allow the movement of these vesicles along axons in the mouse cells could also shed light on other neurodegenerative diseases. While Alzheimer's is not generally considered an infectious disease like mad cow disease, emerging data suggest that Tau, beta-amyloid and alpha-synuclein - proteins involved in Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's - have fibrillar structures can self-propagating with characteristics similar to those of prions. Understanding how the mechanisms occurring in movement of prion proteins may lead to the formulation of a therapy that can control the movement of intracellular aggregates and perhaps many other therapies for neurodegenerative disorders.

Source: Eurekalert

Thursday, February 17, 2011

What Kind Of Car Does Andy Sixx Drive?


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The second edition of the Carnival of chemistry approaches, Feb. 23 is approaching and I invite anyone who reads this blog post to go on
to host this round of the carnival. It was also recently opened the site

a) the nature of their constituent atoms (CO2, NH3, etc. ...).
c) Inventory report for the different space, if you are made of the same type of atoms and the same ratio. elementary substances can be defined, namely those consisting of atoms of the same species (same atomic number) and compounds derived from the combination detereminati atomic ratio of at least two different elements. The elementary substances can be formed by single atoms such as noble gases, helium (He) colorless and odorless, has the lowest boiling point among all the elements and can only be solidified if exposed to very high pressures, and has various applications, including ; being used by divers to dilute the oxygen content in the cylinders, Ne (neon), etc. ... Discrete aggregates of atoms, that is, separate units and separate from each other, each of which consists of two or more atoms bonded together, an example? oxygen one of the most common chemical elements in the earth's crust. It has a high ability to bind to almost all of the elements, hence the term oxidation is coinvoto in the formation of a large amount us compounds, it creates oxides, peroxides, super oxides or hydroxides. Participates in the formation of carbon dioxide (CO2), alcohols (R-OH), aldehydes (R-CHO), and carboxylic acids (R-COOH). oxygen radicals - such as chlorates (ClO 3-), the perchlorates (ClO4-), chromates (CrO42-), the dichromates (Cr2O72-), the permanganates (MnO4-), and nitrates (NO3-) - all oxidizing agents. Many metals such as iron bind to oxygen atoms, resulting in several compounds such as iron oxide (3 +) (Fe2O3), commonly called rust.
addition to the O2 molecule, the oxygen can be found in the atmosphere to form ozone (O3). Atri examples, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, the latter two belong to the group of macronutrients and are components of fundamental importance in the synthesis of organic molecules. The substance can also be made of a continuous set of atoms linked together by covalent bonds, such as carbon in graphite or diamond, or by ties of sodium metal types, zinc, copper etc. ... The separate units are the substances they are monoatomic, polyatomic molecules are called. The
elementary substances can be classified as molecular, polymer, metal.
compounds can be formed by molecules like carbon dioxide, oxygen, methane, water, ammonia, etc. ... by concatenation of atoms (silicon dioxide, for example ..) or ions (atoms or groups of atoms that have transferred electrons, and positive as Na, Ca, NH4, or have purchased the negatives such as Cl, CO3-, NO-held together by electrostatic forces between charges of opposite sign (eg calcium chloride, sodium carbonate, ammonium nitrate).
An example of widely used compounds are phenols, compounds containing a hydroxyl group attached to a benzene ring
are widely distributed in nature, thymol and vanillin are important constituents of vanilla beans and thyme, respectively.

Phenols as antioxidants.
a reaction of fundamental importance that happens in every living system, in food and many other materials that contain C = C double bond is
auto-oxidation (a process that requires oxygen and no other reagent).
The autoxidation is a radical chain process that converts a group RH ROOH in a group called hydroperoxide. The process begins with the removal of a hydrogen atom with an electron from a carbon allyl. Losing the proton with the electron carbon has only seven electrons in its valence shell, one of which is spaiato.Un molecoa atom or a radical with these characteristics is defined. Idrperossidi The compounds are unstable and biological conditions are degraded to aldehydes and carboxy acids cprta to chain them turn cause the unpleasant smell of "rotten".

Fortunately, in nature there are various defenses, such as vitamin E, which has a phenolic nature, ascorbic acid (vitamin C) glutathione, against the formation of radicals annoying. In fact in many foods such as BHT are added phenol to retard deterioration due dell'autossidazione.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

427 Ss Chevy For Sale

I think I've finally found the serenity . I have never been balanced, stable and sure of myself, because I was always lead to question everything, even the aspects of my life that an observer would judge perfect. I accepted the mistakes of others with a deep indulgence, but also in front of my smallest hesitation was very severe. I've always said "You can do more, you can learn more, you can improve more." I did not care that I deem more prepared and capable, I had to live up to myself, I had to constantly confront the claims-sometimes absurd-my pride, and not just in schools but in every field. Since the end of the summer but I was able to at least some moderate 'this aspect of my character, finding a quiet I never thought of being able to make my own. It was short and on time, I had to readjust to fight constantly against the expectations and goals that force myself to achieve. The last month has been difficult : every morning I woke up with doubt, uncertain themselves into a proper behavior and whether the choices I made would make me happy. I was not happy, I was again a prisoner of worst part of myself, the destructive, critical and inaccontentabile. Now I think to be able to appease all. I feel at peace with the world and with myself. I also decided I'm going to do philosophy (♥), the only matter that I love with all of myself. How many times that I came from one of my periods blacks I feel renewed and calm. Eventually I passed too!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Solutions From Financial Accounting 5th

February 9, 1849 after violent clashes

o'clock in the morning of 9 February 1849, a Constituent Assembly elected by universal suffrage in Rome approved a decree of four articles: Article 1
. The Papacy has been deprived of fact and law from the time of the Roman government.
Article 2. The Roman Pontiff will have all the guarantees necessary for independence in the exercise of his spiritual power.
Article 3. The form of the Roman state government will take the pure democracy and the glorious name of the Roman Republic.
Article 4. The Roman Republic will have relations with the rest of Italy, which requires a national policy.
Thus began the glorious story of the Roman Republic in 1849.
born following a liberal and democratic uprising in the territories of the Papal States, in the context of the great upheavals that shook the whole of Europe in 1848, attacked by the Bourbons and heroically defended by its citizens and many young volunteers came from all over ' Italy, July 4 fell only upon the powerful intervention of the French army sent by the government of Louis Napoleon supported the royalist-clerical.
The Constitution of the Republic, approved in the last days of life, draw, since its fundamental principles, a draft was extraordinary and ever present and remains its great testament ideal

FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES I. The right to sovereignty is eternal in people. The people of the Roman State is in a democratic republic.
II.Il democratic government has to regulate the equality, liberty, fraternity. Does not recognize titles of nobility, or privileges of birth or caste.
III.La Republic with the laws and institutions to promote the improvement of hill moral and material conditions of all citizens.
IV.La Republic regards all people as brothers, respects all nationalities: the Italian advocates.
VI Hall all have equal rights: their independence is not limited by the laws of the State utility.
VI.La more equitable distribution as possible of local interests in keeping the State's policy is coll'interesse the norm of territorial division of the Republic.
VII.Dalla religious belief does not depend on the exercise of civil and political rights.
VIII.Il Head of the Catholic Church in the Republic will have all the guarantees necessary for the independent exercise of spiritual power.

five months of extraordinary passion, civil and democratic power of moral, political penalty during which Rome went from being a state among the laggards of Europe to test new democratic ideas, basing its political and civil life on values, such as universal suffrage, the abolition of the death penalty, freedom of religion and belief, the secular state, which in Europe were to become reality only about a century later

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Seizures With Memory Loss


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where you'll find all the links of the bloggers participating in the initiative!
Born on the model of "carnival of science" Anglo-Saxons as early as 2008 and resumed on the web for Italian language thanks to the brilliant idea of \u200b\u200bClaudio Easter portal Zero-gravity science, the initiative of the scientific carnival has already been able to create for other important disciplines such as mathematics and physics for a moment aggregation, sharing and mutual understanding among those in our country (or around the world) are already dealing with scientific communication through the tool already well known for its leanness and pervasiveness represented by web blog. A short distance from the birth of the third and final carnival of science, one devoted to biodiversity, through the collaboration of Zero-Gravity and, born Sunday January 23, 2011, the Carnival of Chemistry.

How To Buld A Homemade Horse Sleigh


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Scientific American (How Old is your cancer?)
A patient receives a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer has only a 5% chance of surviving for five years, a heartbreaking prognosis that scientists have long struggled to understand.
Scientists at Johns Hopkins University have sequenced the genome of seven people who had died from pancreatic cancer in late stage. Cancer cells are cells that have accumulated multiple mutations, particularly at the expense of specific genes that code for proteins critical in controlling proper cell cycle. Through the analysis of tumor cells to such patients the scientists were able to literally trace back over time, through mathematical models and to rebuild some sort of family tree of the mutations that these cells had undergone. In February 2010 researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles, compared RNA found in the saliva of 60 patients who had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is curable with the saliva of 30 individuals without cancer and have identified four RNA together could identify correctly 90 percent of the tumor. And in March 2009, the publication of Northwestern University researchers have developed an optical technology that can recognize the various stages of pancreatic cancer with 95 percent sensitivity. That is to recognize (at least from what I understand, someone correct me if I'm wrong) the different stages of transformation that the cells undergo as they accumulate mutations that cause tumor formation. The technique uses light scattering to detect changes in the cells of the duodenum.

Sources: Scientific American

Friday, January 21, 2011

Where To Buy Spikes In Toronto


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This morning I received an email from the blog mygenomix Moreno administrative staff, who gave me an award, the award Sunshine!
In reality more than a real prize is a chain letter, but has its purpose, namely to give visibility to blogs we read more. It's always nice to know about reading, and that there are people who appreciate or find interesting that one has to say in his blog. I also mention that 12 blogs I read more willingly, and invite at least most of the post which I will list not to interrupt the chain!
few simple rules, whoever receives the award is invited to:
• Write a post for the prize on his blog

• Pass the award to 12 other deserving blogs, by inserting their link
• Communicating to authors the award
So here is a list of 12 blogs I read more often and check that my sunshine
Biology and its

Grass ruffles
Zero Gravity

The chemical

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Gryffindor Scarf Toronto Store


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  • Proteins can be defined as the realization of genetic information, it is only thanks to them whether the cells can function adequately, there are multiple types with different functions: enzymes involved in cellular reactions, proteins transport such as hemoglobin, etc. ... Protein is a miracle of engineering molecular stability of protein structures is crucial for their correct operation and to lord it in determining the correct three-dimensional conformation of the proteins involved must take specific chemical bonds in a particular hydrogen bonding, hydrophobic interactions, covalent bonds for example.
  • Bricks "molecular" with which a cell manufactures proteins are molecules known as amino acids, proteins are composed of specific sequences of amino acids, which determine the structure and specific functionality. Because a protein to function it needs to perform a specific riiegamento of / and peptide sequences that make? but mostly because a native conformation of a protein is preferred to another?
  • cellular environment, the amino acid sequence, chemical bonds between the aqueous environment and the same amino acid structure to make it all an intricate jigsaw puzzle where each molecule has a definite post to be filled to maintain the native conformation of a protein.
  • The base of protein structures: the peptide bond.
  • Because the amino acid sequences that form a protein can not take many shapes? The amino acids tend to bond with each other ... through the covalent bond is a type. The formation of covalent bonds between amino acid residues poses important constraints on conformations of a peptide. The structure that is to look at is as follows:
  • Cα - C - N - Cα . that is, each alpha carbon is separated by three covalent bonds arranged in the specific sequence. Many studies carried out by techniques of X-ray diffraction showed that the amide bond C - N in a peptide are shorter than those formed in an amine and fli asociar atoms to bond soo Sulo same plane. This indicates the presence of a resonance or a partial redistribution of pairs of electrons between the oxygen atom cabonilico and the amide nitrogen atom. The oxygen is in such a way you've bought a small partial negative charge, and nitrogen partial positive charge, creating an electric dipole possoclo. All this determines that the peptide bond is planar and the six atoms of the bond he peptide are prepared on the same level Doing that the oxygen atoms of the carbonyl group and amide nitrogen are in a position
    The secondary structure EFERENCE term secondary structure is the conformation of local parts of a polipepride. The discussion will focus Nosrati princialemente on some type of repetitive folding of a sheletro polipepride. The type of secondary structure stavili and universally distributed proteins are in fact relatively few. The most relevant conformations are the alpha helix and beta sheet folded. ...
    alpha helix

    The alpha helix is \u200b\u200bperhaps the simplest provision na polypeptide chain can assume, as you can see in the picture is a true helical structure, where the portion internal structure of atoms are involved in peptide bonds, while the exterior side chains of amino acids. Because this type of structure is better compared to other form?
    The answer is because in this conformation the atoms carrying hydrogen bonds ... in fact, the alpha helix is \u200b\u200bstabilized by hydrogen bonds between the hydrogen atom bonded to nitrogen and electropositive of all bonds pepetidico atoo of the ossigenocarvonilico elettronegatico the fourth amino acid residue next amminoterminale Set in the amino acid chain. quindiogni peptide bond partecpa the maintenance of this structure through hydrogen bonds. The set of three or four hydrogen bonds per revolution of the propeller, mean that the structure is carefully resealed and kept stable. There is an important detail to add, it depends on the stability of alpha helix by hydrogen bonds formed between atoms of hydrogen and nitrogen of peptide bonds, but also depends on the amino acid sequence, in fact, not all peptides can form a stable alpha helix. Some amino acid residues may destabilize the secondary structure unlike the other. Take for example a polypeptide chain with many basic amino acid residues (containing many residues Arg or Lys or Glu, for example) can not be formed because the carboxyl groups of all positively charged side chains are preventing repingeranno the formation of alpha helix. Restrictions may also be due ale latarali size of chains, such as amino acid residues Asn, Ser, Thr, and Cys (... serine, threonine, cysteine) can cause instability if the alpha helix are very close ... Instability is also a result of chance of amino acid residues proline (Pro) and glycine (Gly). Proline as you can see in the picture consists of a rigid ring, the nitrogen atom is part of the ring and can not be any rotation around the CN bond of the peptide bond, which determines that each proline residue introduces a retreat in destbilizzante an alpha helix structure. In addition, the nitrogen atom of a proline residue involved in a peptide bond, the atom has no ifrogeno sostituiente is necessatuio Fenera for a hydrogen bond with other residues motii For these offspring and only rarely present in na 'alpha helix. Glycine instead for various reasons can confer instability. Unlike the proline ... Other reasons may cause instability of alpha helix, esmepio to the type of amino acid end of the segment involved in this particular qusto folding. In each peptide bond exists poccolo dopolo Electric, the sum of the dipoles through the hydrogen bonds inside the helix dipole and the net increase with the length of the propeller. Typically the last three or four reisdui amino acid tend not to participate in the formation of these bonds, eg give some support through their positive or negative. In fact, the positive or negative charges on the helix dipoles residing on the C = O and NH groups of peptide bonds to the carboxyl and amino terminal ends, because another feature of the helices is that the positively charged amino acids tend to carboxy end is found terminal and the negative end amminoterminale ... So there are five restrictions possoo marshmallow structure of alpha helix:
    electrostatic repulsion between amino acid residues with charged R groups

    The size of the amino acid chains positively or negatively charged side
    interaction between amino acid residues spaced three or four remaining
    the presence of Pro and Gly residues of the interactions between amino acids fli all'estrmitàò prop, and generated dopolo from this structure.

    The beta sheet fold.
    A second reason is highly repeated in the protein known as beta conformation. In the beta conformation of the polypeptide chain covalent skeleton is extended to zigzag like a real piece of paper folded. The polypeptide chains are subject of a side by side. In general, the R chains of amino acid residues protruding outside the structure, forming a zig zag in this way a staggered sequence. Again there may be restrictions on the sequences that can form these structures. When two layers are very close in a protein structure of the chain R groups must be relatively small in order to avoid any steric hindrance.
    be noted in particular the folding beta, a withdrawal of 180 ° which consists of four amino acid residues with the carbonyl group of the first amino acid that forms a hydrogen LM with the amino group of the fourth residue, the central peptide groups do not participate the link. Ripegamenti are often present in these amino acids such as Gly and Pro, the first as small and flexible, the second because it lends itself very well to induce folding because of its structure.
    • Tertiary structure
    • For tertiary structure refers to the final folding of the protein, while Specimen layout secondary folds are sub-regions that are associated with the amino acid sequence, tertiary structure in the various secondary structures, and then residual in sub-structural amino acid that were far apart in the sequence are close together.
    • Some proteins contain multiple polypeptide chains that can secodna cases to also be identical or different. the union of these polypeptide chains is to determine a particular type of folding defined quaternary structure. The proteins can be divided into two types, fibrous and globular. The two groups are distinct structurally and functionally anhée, the former are mainly involved in the formation of structures that determine the shape of the resistance of the cells of vertebrates, while the enzymes and proteins with transport functions, for example, have essentially a globular structure.

    Thursday, January 13, 2011

    What To Get Someone For Having A Baby

    Thinking of the future United States

    For some 'for months now I started thinking a bit' more seriously about my future . Ever since I saw the finish line of the mid eighteen years as a given the enormous importance, as the final step towards total freedom. Now I finally realized that it is not quite the case, the freedom not to contract it, does not come with age, but rather with the independence of others. That's why I made the decision to live alone . I know that will not be easy, since I have no intention nor keep me from my boyfriend or of halving the salaries of my parents spoil me, from August I'm going to try a small (and cheap) studio near the My high school and begin work waitressing three nights a week, so you have the afternoon free to study. Besides the various benefits that this will change (proximity to the school, independence, a quiet space that I can administer to my taste) I took this decision mainly to be closer to my boyfriend and see him more frequently. The few people that I have set this project have told me that I'm making a mistake to leave my parents' house, comfortable and safe for andarmi transfer in a studio and spend most of the salary of hard work for 'rent and other bills, and all this " only for love. I am however of the opinion that, even though initially it will be difficult to deal with the real world impact in the long run I will be very well managing my life fully, not to mention that I can learn to appreciate also what seems an awkward sacrifice if the ball is' love for my baby. I hope to be sufficiently strong and determined to make this happen!

    Sunday, January 9, 2011

    Black Pearlby Vasodex

    var _gaq _gaq = var ga = document.createElement ('script'); ga.type = 'text / javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol? 'https: / / ssl ':' http://www ') +''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (ga, s) ; })();
    On January 16 the part of chemistry carnival, an initiative promoted by the blog
    zero gravity. During the year the UN declared 2011 International Year of Chemistry "initiative aims to promote understanding of chemistry, addressing the general public.
    the following link to find the call for participation:
    invitation carnival

    Friday, January 7, 2011

    Is Heather Brooke Dead


    var _gaq _gaq = s); })();
    The test is performed using mutant strains of Salmonella thiphymurium changed. The mutation prevents them to be able to synthesize the amino acid histidine . Histidine is one of the 20 amino acids used by cells to build proteins, and is a molecule critical for cell survival. The microorganisms are grown in culture medium in which the histidine is present in limiting quantities (there is enough permttere histidine by only a certain number of cell divisions). So the purpose of the test is to ascertain that a compound suspected to be mutagenic to induce mutations, among which a mutation can reverse what has made it impossible for the organism to synthesize histidine. Prepare a culture for each mutagen that you want to analyze, and then used for each mutagen is also carried out a control with a neutral substance. Crops we can achieve that:
    1) If you are not forming a number of colonies of the test substance is not carcinogenic. The same is observed in the control 2) If the substance is considered carcinogenic, makes the microorganisms capable of being able to re-synthesize histidine, is considered to be mutagenic. There are additional properties in the bacteria used in the Ames test: 1) have a mutation that makes additional external lamembrana readily permeable to large molecules (so that the carcinogenic potential can enter the cell) (BER and NER, respectively, ie reproduced for nucleotide excision and base excision repair)
    3) is placed in a plasmid that Ellul increases the safety of the error prone DNA
    (the so-called SOS shelter used by bacteria) All of these mutations sno fondamentle importance because induce the formation of many mutations in the presence of a suspected mutagen, and then changes that facilitate the accumulation and fixation of mutations.
    When it comes to a carcinogen (the subject of future post), it should be noted that in reality not all are directly able to induce mutations, in fact some are carcinogenic and are called indirect pro-carcinogens, these compounds who are able to induce tumors if they undergo modifications by the cellular metabolism. Why is introduced into the culture medium extract of rat liver. In such a way as to promote the metabolism and processing of pro-carcinogens into carcinogenic substances, transformation is performed by liver enzymes.
    The number of colonies formed is an indication of the strength of mutagen: many more colonies are formed much more mutagenic substance will be considered. You can make tests with increasing doses of mutagen mutagenicity analysis.

    Saturday, January 1, 2011

    Thesis Statement To Eliminate Abortion

    After more 'than two weeks in this country, though I was playing biased, I must say that I feel at home. I have learned to tolerate food, finding healthy alternatives all these high-calorie fast food. I'm happy with my peers and unbelievable-but true-I was able to survive this absurd and hypocritical respectability. I appreciate the kindness of people, especially when compared to ' arrogance and lack of education of many Italians. Not to mention the school, which when compared to high school Italian and 'extremely easy and organized a thousand times better. I am very fond of my grandmother's house, I love my room and especially the city 'in which we live. There are more and more 'confident that, once back in Italy, I will feel' miss my second home . 'Cause, that the thing I like it or not, this place is not' just a holiday destination, where to shop and stop changing things, but it 's a place where they are deeply attached and the same is true for all people that in recent years, although in their own way, I have shown affection and hospitality '. 'll Feel decidedly 'lack of everything'. . .

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    I feel so alone . I need to pick up the phone and talk to someone, but it's Saturday evening and are all out enjoying the last day of freedom before school starts. I need a big hug, but I am sick and without any means of transport that will lead me by the only people whose embrace fully heal sadness. I do not know what to do . Many think that had everything I want and maybe more, but the reality is quite different. I never wanted what I was not my idea to leave for three weeks, not I never claimed or hoped to receive the gifts that I have been made. I do not mind the smiles of fact, the phrases, the appearances, but I am increasingly aware that people consider only that glitters, forgetting that the true feelings are not flashy or visible to the naked eye, but discovered with the passage of time. It will be because of the fever that I do these thoughts or maybe it's because, even after so many years, are still the same girl insecure, indecisive and hopeless. I can not trust people, I can not afford this luxury because I know all too well the way I love and I know how much pain I would cause yet another separation. New Year's resolutions? Only one: love with all my heart but always be ready for the worst !