Thursday, January 13, 2011

What To Get Someone For Having A Baby

Thinking of the future United States

For some 'for months now I started thinking a bit' more seriously about my future . Ever since I saw the finish line of the mid eighteen years as a given the enormous importance, as the final step towards total freedom. Now I finally realized that it is not quite the case, the freedom not to contract it, does not come with age, but rather with the independence of others. That's why I made the decision to live alone . I know that will not be easy, since I have no intention nor keep me from my boyfriend or of halving the salaries of my parents spoil me, from August I'm going to try a small (and cheap) studio near the My high school and begin work waitressing three nights a week, so you have the afternoon free to study. Besides the various benefits that this will change (proximity to the school, independence, a quiet space that I can administer to my taste) I took this decision mainly to be closer to my boyfriend and see him more frequently. The few people that I have set this project have told me that I'm making a mistake to leave my parents' house, comfortable and safe for andarmi transfer in a studio and spend most of the salary of hard work for 'rent and other bills, and all this " only for love. I am however of the opinion that, even though initially it will be difficult to deal with the real world impact in the long run I will be very well managing my life fully, not to mention that I can learn to appreciate also what seems an awkward sacrifice if the ball is' love for my baby. I hope to be sufficiently strong and determined to make this happen!


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