Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sneakers With Lateral Support


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A particular news regarding stem cell research. As many will know the stem cells promise a huge step forward in regenerative medicine due to their ability to regenerate diseased or damaged tissues. A major problem in the use of stem cells is the conversion. In fact, the most sought after stem cells are embryonic cells, the specific nature of these cells is to be pluripotent.
What does this mean? Put succinctly, the stem cells are the precursors of all other types of cells in our body. These undifferentiated cells who have the ability to form any cell type, as well as have the ability to produce more stem cells. That is why stem cells are called progenitor cells. Now we can split the stem cells in pluripotent and multipotent: the first, as the embryonic ones, are capable of being able to differentiate into any cell type in the embryo and in adults, other multipotent stem cells are defined because they can differentiate into many types phones, but not all types. A cell is farthest from the zygote, children become the potential of this cell type. The question of how to obtain embryonic stem cells clearly raises questions insurmountable ethical, and not end up being exploited. Despite all the stem cells are used, especially if it makes extensive use of somatic stem cells ,
in many cases are called adult stem cells, although not necessarily arise from the adults. In any case, these cells are multipotent and as said before are not very versatile as embryonic, then we could say that are limited in their use, and this is when they have developed the techniques of cellular reprogramming. Through these techniques that is done, put very briefly, is to erase the memory cell to bring her to the molecular pluripotent state. In this way, the somatic stem cells should be able to be safely used instead of embryonic regenerative medicine.

But a study has just been published in the journal Cell Death and differentation, reduces these hopes. The study conducted by the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Geneva and the European Institute of Oncology in Milan, with the participation of the laboratory Throne shows that in many cases, the reprogrammed stem cells showed some degree of "genomic instability", which seems to be caused by the process used to return the cells to "embryonic state". What seems even more serious is that the genetic changes observed are similar to those found in cancer cells. Scientists have concluded that the reprogramming of stem cells needs to be fully investigated before the cells can be considered for use in regenerative medicine. The experiments were performed using mammalian cells and mouse fibroblasts. The researchers used three different processes for the reprogramming of cells to a "root", or embryonic state. The first method was developed specifically for this study, and others are already been well documented. Should follow some of the articles in Nature.
Yet all processes lead to the same conclusion: genetic abnormalities multiplied, in a way that suggests that they are inherent to the process of genetic reprogramming stessa.Anomalie that seem similar to those caused by oncogenes. These findings underscore the need to conduct further studies. First, see if the genetic abnormalities are severe enough to affect the functioning and stability of regenerated through the reprogrammed cells, and second, "
refine the methods used to generate pluripotent cells induced in order to avoid this problem. "
Source: Eurekalert


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