Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Install Front License Plate On Bmw

molecular chaperones

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Proteins consist of a set of Piau small molecules known as amino acids, a specific sequence of amino acids will ensure that the future can take a specific protein structure and function. The assemblage of various amino acids is carried out by molecular complexes known as ribosomes, the amino acid sequence formed proteins, however, are synthesized in the ribosomes simply linking to one another in sequence the various amino acids and thus initially consist of chains without a precise three-dimensional shape. Most of the protein chain wraps then spontaneously to take the final structure, the proteins tend to fold in such a way as to avoid ch nonpolar side chains of amino acids come into contact with the aqueous environment of the cell. Not all Portein can fold spontaneously, some are made up of hundreds of amino acids and must be helped to fold properly. the specific sequence of amino acids as we said it is important to allow the protena to fold into a specific shape and could take a specific functionality. If the withdrawal is not successful the feature is missing, or can be modified with deleterious consequences for the cell.

Cells can not wait passively proteins ripieghino correctly. Proteins are often incorrectly wrapped in apolar amino acids on the surface, rather than hidden in a safe in them. These non-polar hydrocarbon portions bind strongly with similar portions on other proteins and forming large aggregates. Random aggregates leading to the death cells: diseases such as sickle cell disease, mad cow disease, and Alzheimer's disease are caused by unnatural combinations of proteins that form fibrils which interfere with the cellular life.
Fortunately, the cell takes care of everything and there is a particular protein known as grppo Chaperon that guide other proteins during the process of proper folding. Protect them during the retreat shielded by other proteins that may bind and prevent the process. Many chaperone proteins are called "thermal shock" (with names such as HSP-60) because they are synthesized in large amounts when cells are exposed to strong heat, as in the case of burns. Too hot in general, destabilizes the protein and makes folding more often wrong. So when the temperature rises too much, the cells need extra help with their proteins.

The Chaperon HSP-60
This type of chaperone is complex and creates a closed environment for protein folding during which protects them completely during the process. An example is the complex GroEL- GroES of E.coli bacteria.
The structure consists of two overlapping rings of GroEL proteins, colored in green and blue, and a cap on the underside of GroES protein, colored red and yellow. As shown in the picture above, seven GroEL proteins form a ring with an internal cavity of the size of a protein. Proteins do not come wrapped up in this cavity and fold in it. The Chaperon and HSP-70 chaperone prefoldin
Some smaller proteins that protect the ribosome have just left. At this stage the protein can have a very small percentage of their structure already folded, so the portions of the elongated chain with groups of non-polar hydrocarbon type are particularly susceptible to aggregation.
The chaperone HSP-70 (shown above) these portions is elongated, and there binds the fencing from the surrounding molecules. Then, with the energy of ATP, the chaperones release the chain when it is ready to fold. The HSP-70 are composed of two domains: one that binds ATP and controls the process, shown in the upper left from PDB 1dkg, and one that binds to portions of the protein chain is not wrapped in apolar hydrocarbon groups. A small peptide, colored pink, is tied in the deep cleft that binds the protein.

explore the structure

The large complex GroEL-GroES. In this figure three subunits have been removed GroEL in each ring to show the interior, leaving four subunits in each ring. In the two subunits on the back, hydrocarbon nonpolar amino acids LEU, ILE, VAL, MET, PHE, TYR and TRP are colored in blue. Note the strip of hydrocarbon hydrophobic amino acids near the entrance at the top. This interacts strongly with proteins do not fold luring them into the cavity. Now look at the lower cavity, capped by GroES in the bottom colored red. Using the energy of ATP (ADP is located in this structure, colored in red), the ring GroEL undergoes a great change in shape. The cavity becomes much larger, and the strip of hydrocarbon nonpolar amino acids is no longer in contact with the cavity. This means that a protein chain trapped inside (not shown) to close in on itself, having enough space for the process.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Itallian Red And White Tablecloths

trust in government (Rome, 14/12/2010)

How To Paint Bmx Rims

the blog has taken the maturity

Pink Tinged Mucousperiod Coming?


var _gaq _gaq = s.parentNode.insertBefore (ga, s); })();
Today December 15, 2010 started the carnival biodiversity. I invite anyone who reads this blog post to go on
The watchmaker myopic
that in this first round will host the event
post where you will find a list of participants in the PROJECT. The various bloggers talk about the beautiful
endless forms we find in nature. The next round, February 12, 2010, hosted by the blog
and theme will be "the constant struggle for food and space."

Friday, December 10, 2010 Trustworthy?

In life it takes courage

I learned to forgive, I have been able to go ahead, bite the bullet and be optimistic . I was haughty and proud at the right time and I was detained from making havoc of my dignity. When it came time to open my heart to a certain person, despite the idea terrified me , I gave free access to all my most intimate thoughts, without hiding or concealing anything. I was myself. I was vulnerable , because it would be just a simple word to destroy my protection, the force that even when I was immersed in the frustration and suffering could make sense of the struggle that I was fighting, a silent battle against myself, against my fears, against the world, against love, but above all against all rational behavior . A choice that they had all despised, seeing it as completely insane and wrong, has proved over time that the only ricucisse to sew the wounds that I wore on the heart. Today, thinking back to how I reacted in that situation, I can not help but be proud me and see how the courage, sensitivity and patience before or then always reward those who know how to use them in the right dose.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Memorial Plaque Wordings Best Of

The bacterium that utilizes the topoisomerase

var _gaq _gaq = 'UA-8138159-2']); _gaq.push (['_trackPageview']); (function () {var ga = document.createElement ('script'); ga.type = 'text / javascript'; ga. async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol? 'https: / / ssl': 'http://www') + '' ; var s = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore (ga, s); })();

Here, the image on the right, the bacterium that if he had done so much talk in recent days. First, it must be said that all bodies to function properly, they must continually build new components for mobiles and it must be provided with a specific group of items. They are also known as macro-or macronutrients, because micro-organisms, but is also true of us, really in need in high quantities, are the elements that make possible the synthesis of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, etc. ... the elements are carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), oxygen (O), sulfur (S), phosphorus (P). There are others, mostly ions, but these six elements are the skeleton of all organic molecules. Through this discovery, scientists say, although these elements are the building blocks of matter living, it is theoretically possible that other elements that we find on the periodic table can be effectively used in the same way. The bacterium in question is a strain of gammaproteobacteria (GFAJ -1) which belongs to the family of Halomonadaceae. not yet understood because the microorganisms have a soft spot for arsenic. Evidently he has adapted to live in an environment where the presence of 'arsenic was very high, and therefore has learned to exploit both phosphorus and arsenic, but is yet to be proven. Oremland co-author of the discovery had already observed in the past that the bacteria in the lake, Mono Lake, full of arsenic, typically using this highly toxic reactions in photosynthesis, but no one had demonstrated the absorption of this element for internal use.
Wolfe-Simon and colleagues have collected mud and other sediments from Mono Lake and the bacteria have grown in the laboratory have taken then performed a series of dilutions intended to replace any remaining phosphate solution with higher and higher amounts of arsenic. They found that a type of microbe in the mix seemed grow faster than others. They then radioactively labeled arsenate which was added in the culture medium so as to be able to monitor its distribution, it was observed that arsenic was present in the bacterium and was contained in proteins, lipids and metabolites such as ATP and glucose, as well as in nucleic acids that made up his DNA and RNA. The amounts of arsenic found were similar to those expected for the phosphate in normal cells, suggesting that the compound was used in the same way they would normally use the phosphate in the cell.
The team used two different techniques of mass spectrometry to confirm that the DNA of the bacterium contained arsenic, indicating that the item had assumed the role of phosphate in holding together the backbone of DNA. Further investigation have confirmed that the arsenate ion PERFORMED bonds with the carbon and oxygen in much the same way as the phosphate.
Now there are a number of questions you will answer. For example, if the phosphate content in kind as the ATP molecule was exchanged with arsenate, what effect it has on fnzioni important turning point in the cell? How can it be just as efficient? Metabolic processes in which arsenic would bind with glucose, if it is known that arsenic is more unstable in contributing to the formation of organic molecules, as it may be equally or similarly effective? And the phosphate groups bind to proteins and which play an important role in those changes of structure features of the latter? how can the exercise arsenate able to work effectively similmete? arsenate ion in fact similar in shape to the phosphate ion form bonds much weaker in water than those formed by the phosphate, is unstable, this means that they tend to break away and even though there may be other molecules that help stabilize these ties, the researchers would need to explain this discrepancy in the event standing. Yet, the discovery is "simply phenomenal" if you stand up after further chemical analysis, Benner added: "
means that many, many things are wrong in terms of how we see the molecules in the biological system."

Nature, Scientific American , EurekAlert

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Poland National Rugby Team

Farewell to Mario Monicelli

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Canine Cauliflower Ear


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Each of our cells contains about 2 meters of DNA
, all tucked inside the nucleus, which is a million times smaller. This requires a high state of structural organization of a molecule to pack so much in such a small space.
To make things even more complicated is the double helix structure of DNA, indefatigable in order for the cell to faithfully replicate the information it contains, the filaments that compose it must be separated and this requires the breaking of hydrogen bonds that provide structural stability. Before you understand how this can be done successfully we must speak of an important property of DNA known as supercoiling.
The term supercoiling another does not mean that wrapping something that is already wrapped. A classic example is that in these cases to make the meaning of the term applied to DNA supercoiling is the telephone wire.
As shown in the image on the right, a wire is wrapped with a spiral pattern similar to DNA and many of us have noticed that sometimes tends to become entangled in a strange way. This is due to a twist of the thread that causes it to coil back on itself, here is an example of supercoiling (shown in the end Supercoil). The comparison is guessed because basically, as we just said, the telephone cable has a structure similar to that of the DNA helix, and derives its was this observation that prompted one scientist, Jerome Vinograd and colleagues to explain some properties of small circular DNA . The DNA it forms from two complementary strands that wrap themselves up around an imaginary axis further folding or twisting of the structure results in supercoiling. As mentioned by you can see that the DNA molecule to be inserted into a small room as the core strength to present some form of supercoiling. The supercoiling is an important aspect of the tertiary structure of DNA. We see the fundamental properties of supercoiling and how it occurs. To fully understand what is the supercoiling of DNA, scientists have focused on small circular DNA such as plasmids or DNA viruses, in many cases, what determines the onset of DNA supercoiling a disalvvolggimento the same molecule, in other words, the DNA undergoes a structural change that causes a decrease in the number of turns of helix.

As shown in the side we see a fragment of circular DNA in the relaxed state that has 8 turns of helix, one for every 10.5 base pairs for a total of 84 base pairs. If any of these tours is removed in the DNA molecule is a structural deformation induced by 12 base pairs (b) for each revolution of propeller instead of the 10.5 structure B. It follows that this deformation makes the structure less stable. Normally, this deformation is redressed through the winding axis DNA upon itself to give a supercoiling (c). As shown in Figure (d) the disavvolgimento causes a separation of the two DNA strands.
cells remain in a partially disavvolto the DNA molecule, that in order to facilitate the process of compaction, also disalvoggimento is essential for many enzymes that participate in processes involving DNA and which have among their functions the separation of double helix, it was partially disavvolto can be maintained only if the DNA is in a closed form or if you move or stabilize the protein so that its complementary chains are not able to turn in on themselves. The
supercoiling but not a completely random process, is highly regulated and has an influence on cellular mechanisms involving DNA. In fact, in every cell there are enzymes that are responsible for wrapping and carrying out the double helix. The enzymes that are responsible for determining the increase or decrease disalvoggimento
We can distinguish three types of DNA topoisomerases.

This enzyme wraps around the DNA and makes a cut in one of the filaments. Then, while still clinging to the point when freshly cut, the enzyme allows the propeller to turn, to carry out the windings in excess or defect. When the DNA is relaxed, topoisomerase reconnects broken filament, restoring the DNA double helix.
The DNA topoisomerase I in the class are of two types:

Topoisomerase IA:
introduce an incision in a polynucleotide and pass the second polynucleotide through the gap that has been formed. The two ends are then resolder. This mode of action changes the number of times a filamneto cross each other in a circular molecule.

Topoisomerase IB:
act in a manner similar to the type IA enzymes, although details of the mechanism are different.
Untangling DNA
For example, when a cell is dividing, the copies of the chromosome must be separated.
In the process of separating certain regions of the two homologous chromosomes could tangle with each other, creating some real problems in the separation. The class of topoisomerase II solves this problem by allowing the DNA helix to pass through each other. Cut both strands of a DNA double helix, while maintaining a firm grip on both halves. Then, passes the other strand of DNA through the opening, resolving the tangle. Finally, sews together the terminals that had cut off, restoring the DNA. The DNA topoisomerase
themselves do not carry the double helix of DNA, but solve the problem so-called topological, counterbalancing the supercoiling that would be introduced in the DNA molecule at the time of passage of the hairpin replication. This allows the double helix of DNA to be open like a zipper co filaments literally drawn on opposite sides without the molecule rotates.
Toxins and Treatments.
It follows from the above that the process that causes relaxation of the double helix resulting in separation of the latter are crucial for the proper maintenance of DNA. So are ideal targets for topoisomerase poisons. If topoisomerases are blocked, the cell encounters a problem during the transcription of DNA during cell division. Cancer chemotherapy exploits this process, using drugs that block the topoisomerase to kill cancer cells that divide rapidly. For example, the anthracycline-containing drugs such as doxorubicin and daunorubicin, attack the class of topoisomerase II, and the plant toxin blocks the action campotecina relaxing class of topoisomerase I.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Cleaning Brown Marks On Stainless Steel


_gaq var = _gaq to emphasize the importance of the topic in question, both within the scientific community and among the general public.
The first edition of the Carnival of Biodiversity theme will be:
theme that will develop the various authors with various facets based on their personal styles and interests. The blog "The watchmaker shortsighted welcome this first edition, giving an overview of articles written by other bloggers and flagged the link.
blogs participating in the project are: •
Biosproject: Earth
Leyden jar
• Continuous
proceso de cambio
• Grass


• The watchmaker myopic

• Ramblings of a
Mahengechromis ciclidofilo
Oryctes Fragments of nature
Paperfish fish biology in progress
theropods Carnival of Biodiversity will expire two months, continuing throughout 2011, and will be hosted in turn by some of the blog participants. The group hopes coordinator
good job to all the blogs that have joined the project and happy reading to all those who want to participate with us in this Carnival. Livio Leoni, Marco Ferrari, Lisa Master

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Period Burn When Urinate


When the cold became slightly more pungent, like every year, I made an annoying cold. Apart from that everything runs as usual, there are the usual family quarrels and unnecessary school is pretty good. It is a time that I feel a bit 'lost , a bit' lost in all my conflicting thoughts and I would need even more cuddles and affection. I happen to think about the past and experience a 'distress devastating, but if I think about the future I can not imagine anything. Dark, full vacuum . I hope that my paranoia is exaggerated quest'accentuazione only due to fever and to pass soon.

{ And I find it kind of funny, I find it kind of sad The Dreams In Which I'm dying are the best I've ever had. I find it hard to tell you, I find it hard to take When people run in circles it's a very very mad world / / Mad World - Gary Jules }

Saturday, November 13, 2010

French Country Farmhouse Decorating


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The flu virus is constantly evolving, every year we hear of new strains, in fact, every decade or so, a new strain is dangerous and poses a threat to public health. Last year, there was an outbreak of a new strain of flu virus, the '
H1N1, more commonly known as swine flu virus. The name H1N1 refers to two types of molecules that coat the surface of the virus: hemagglutinin
and neuraminidase . Together, these two molecules determines the infectivity of the virus. The hemagglutinin plays a decisive role when the virus approaches the cell by binding to the polysaccharide chains on the cell surface and then injecting the
viral DNA into the cell. The neuraminidase, on the other hand, comes into play when the virus leaves the infected cells. Ensures that the virus does not remain bound to the surface polysaccharides of cutting their chains.

Cut sugars

The neuraminidase, shown above from the PDB file 1nn2, consists of four identical subunits arranged a square. It is normally linked to the virus surface protein with a long arm, not shown. The active sites are located in deep depressions of the surface above, bind to cellular polysaccharide chains and cut the sugar terminal. The surface of the neuraminidase has linked some of the chains of polysaccharides in the structure above, we see extend upwards and downwards, and are similar to the polysaccharide chains present on the surface proteins of our cells.

As the hemagglutinin, neuraminidase, even if there are several sittotipi known as N1-N9. These subtypes are defined by their interaction with antibodies: all variants of the same subtype are neutralized by the same type of antibodies. These subtypes are one of the causes of the continued aggression of influenza. Some subtypes can infect people, infect other birds and others can attack the pigs or other mammals. When different viruses infect the same body, the various subtypes can be mixed and combined in different ways, giving rise to new random combinations that occasionally can be particularly dangerous or even fatal, thus leading to the formation of new strains
. fight the flu are two most effective drugs currently in use to fight the flu: zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu). These drugs have been discovered using crystal structures taken from PDB files. By studying the binding of various molecules with the active site of neuraminidase, the researchers were able to design new drugs that mimic the natural substrates of the enzyme. These molecules bind strongly in the active site and block the action that is essential for the release of virus from the cell membrane. Here are shown two structures of these drugs. the middle, PDB file 3b7e, zanamivir is shown (blue) linked to the English influenza virus neuraminidase that caused a pandemic in 1918. Below, PDB file 2hu4, oseltamivir is shown (blue) linked to the avian influenza virus neuraminidase.

Antibodies and vaccines When we get sick of influence, our immune system produces antibodies to fight the virus.
An influenza vaccine can prepare your immune system for this protective action by putting it in contact with a weakened virus or harmless fragments of the virus. In this way the vaccine makes the immune system to produce the right antibodies before infection occurs itself. antibodies recognize proteins on the surface of the virus. antibodies most effective are those that attack the hemagglutinin and thus block the infection of new cells.
antibodies against neuraminidase, such as those shown here in blue, the image comes from the PDB file 1NCA can make it lighter than the flu, and they too help to fight the virus.

explore the structure
To design a drug that could cure people should pay close attention. drugs should be different from the natural substrate of the enzyme so that the enzyme can not catalyze the reaction to destroy them. the same time, the drugs must be very similar to the natural substrate of the enzyme to bind strongly to the active site to block it. It 'also important that medications are similar to natural substrates to avoid drug resistance. An example of this problem is illustrated in three figures below The first figure shows the neuraminidase bound sialic acid in its active site, PDB file
. This figure shows the normal interaction of the enzyme with a polysaccharide, its natural substrate. The second figure shows the link with oseltamivir, a drug used to combat influenza, 2hu4 PDB file. Note that this is similar but not identical sialic acid. E 'slightly larger forces and a glutamic acid (pink) to bend a little' to the histidine on him (also pink). The third figure shows a variant of the enzyme who developed drug resistance, 3cl0 PDB file. In this mutant enzyme, histidine has been replaced by a tyrosine (Tyr274 pink), being larger, glutamic acid leads down to the drug. Oseltamivir can still bind, but in a less strong due to interference with glutamic acid (pink) and thus can be ousted out of the polysaccharide, the natural substrate. The drug is therefore ineffective in combating the virus mutant. However, there is still enough space to bind sialic acid, and then the mutant enzyme still functions to perform its normal action release of the virus.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

Concord Vampiro Cleats


var _gaq _gaq = genome consists of single-stranded RNA mold. Virulence of influenza there are three main types, named A, B, C. The main difference lies in the proteins of the major capsid nucleocapside.Le caratteistiche conferitici are two proteins found in extensions known as the spike protein. One is called hemagglutinin, the other neuraminidase. The first is also the rincpale protein on the surface of the virus, is also the main site of AACC by antibodies. It is also the protein that shows increased genetic drift, and it is precisely the root cause of the continuing development of new strains, so every year we end up with new vaccines.

The influenza virus is a dangerous enemy. Normally the immune system fights viral infections by killing the virus for several days and causing the annoying symptoms of influenza. Each year, influenza vaccines activate the immune system to enable it to fight the most common flu viruses. About every twenty years, it appears that a new flu strain is much more virulent than those pitches, and then spread with great rapidity. This happened, for example, at the end of World War causing a pandemic (known as English), which has killed more than 20 million people, more than twice as many people who were death in war.

Hook the target and attack
The hemagglutinin is one of the factors that make the virus so effective. It 's a tip-shaped protein that extends out from the surface of the virus. In the active form shown here, 1ruz PDB file, the hemagglutinin consists of two different types of chains shown in blue and beige. The chains are blue the latching mechanism of the target, looking for particular sugar chains on the cell surface. When found, the hemagglutinin binds to, thus engaging the virus to the cell, then the chains beige begin the attack, as shown on the next page. The name

hemagglutinin refers to the ability of influenza virus to agglutinate red blood cells: the virus is covered with several hemagglutinin molecules that can bind many red blood cells, creating a lump so large as to be visible.

Subtypes hidden
The specificity and thus the hazard of each strain of influenza virus hemagglutinin depends on the particular type he has. They know more than a dozen subtypes of hemagglutinins. Three of these, called H1, H2 and H3 (H is the original English name of hemagglutinin), attacked the man because they are able to recognize specific sugars on the surface of some cells in our section respiratory infection that's why we started there when the flu. Other subtypes such as H5, attack glycoproteins found in the digestive system of birds. Most of these subtypes is not dangerous to humans and not even the threat of bird life and thus constitutes a kind of hidden reservoir of virus. A potential danger, however, may come from the exchange of genes between different strains.

The H5N1 bird flu virus that has come to the front pages during this period, which is decimating the bird population, but is not currently a real danger to humans because they do not have the right to hemagglutinin attack human cells. (The acronym refers to an N1 subtype of a second viral protein surface: neuraminidase that the virus uses to break away from the infected cell and spread the infection). However, there is the possibility that the virus could acquire a hemagglutinin-specific man, and then we can cause real problems. This might, for instance, by pigs. Indeed, the latter are susceptible to both avian viruses to humans that. In cases where a pig was infected simultaneously by both types of virus, they may exchange genes during infection. In this way you could create a new virus with the virulence of avian viruses and more with the ability to attack human cells. lethal agent
haemagglutinin in action
The hemagglutinin is a ruthless molecular machine that engages and kills the cells. This process is accomplished in multiple steps.
In the first, the three binding sites on the top of the protein bind to sugars of some cell membrane glycoproteins shown in green in the top left of the figure (PDB file 1hge).
In the second step, the virus enters the cell by endocytosis, ie, the host cell as an endosome, intussusception of the cell membrane, which tries to digest the virus, creating an acid environment. The virus, however, resisted this attack, even the acid environment necessary for him to trigger the mechanism of its counterattack to the cell. Thanks to its acid, hemagglutinin opens and folds up taking a completely different structure. Slices of orange and red are usually tucked inside the protein, but are worn out in acid as shown in the middle of the figure above (PDB file 1htm, 1ibn, 2vir). The red portion is called fusion peptide, has a great affinity for membranes, it is part of the cell membrane and it clips securely to the virus.
In the third step, as shown on the right side of the figure (fike 1qu1 PDB), the portions are wrapped up as orange yellow contract and that makes the protein and forces the two membranes to approach almost to toccasi with each other. Finally, the two membranes fuse and the viral RNA enters the cell beginning the process of infection.

antibodies (mol of the month Sept 2001, Feb 2005, March 2005) are our first line of defense against the influenza virus. The PDB file 1qfu shows how a hemagglutinin antibody attacks the lock so that it can no longer bind to the cell surface.
The structure includes the hemagglutinin, shown in blue and yellow, and three copies of the Fab antibody fragment (the three fragments magenta encase the haemagglutinin).

course viruses develop strategies to escape the attack of the antibodies and thus are born every year new strains still able to infect. One strategy is to change the arrangement of carbohydrates on the hemagglutinin surface. These carbohydrates are shown in green in Fig. If the virus adds a new carbohydrate at the point where the antibody is bound, in the future to prevent quell'anticorpo to bond and have made it ineffective.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Goes With A Vest


The increasingly cold and dark days they pushed me holed up in a home with the latest readings looted from the school library. They are the fifth part of Anna Karenina and I just finished reading The 'innocent D'Annunzio, both are wonderful books, full of meaning and able to describe human psychology as nobody believed he could do. Some dialogues have deeply touched me and brought to light old memories, which are tied to the various sensations. Anxiety, doubt, the sense of loss and abandonment, the impression that everything is somehow veiled melancholy are all things that have troubled past-and sometimes still-troubled my mind. But even the love, the joy of seeking the world in the eyes of the beloved , the frenzy that the slightest caress can trigger are all sides of our existence that I had the chance to appreciate. Both texts mostly revolve around love, it is troubled, hurting and adulterer, or that it is pure, high and true, being able to analyze it in depth but does not deprive him of his romantic mystery. I was really enchanted by the evocative power of those words and again I wondered how it was possible that two strangers were able to describe with minute accuracy the complexity of my joys and my troubles. This makes me reflect on the fact that, for all unite us, has always been and always will be the fact that be swept away at any time by ' inevitability of feelings, however understandable in their entirety only to a select few, with a higher sensitivity, and I strongly believe that D'Annunzio Tolstoy belong to this group of elected officials.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Nami Nico Robin Anime


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The environment is full of toxins that can attack our cells. Cells have several strategies to defend against these substances. In some cases, using enzymes to convert the harmful molecules in order to make them harmless. In other cases sequester hazardous chemicals and expelling them in various ways. In other cases, such as we are going to analyze the cells can build specialized pumps to identify the harmful molecules and expel them outside the cell membrane.
The P-glycoprotein, shown here at the side and from the PDB 3g61, is the most common molecular pump that protects our cells from toxic molecules. It is inserted into the cell membrane and is continually looking for foreign hydrophobic molecules. When it finds one in the intrapulmonary a deep pocket in the protein and then changes its structural conformation. The new conformation of the protein causes an opening to the outside of cell and then release the harmful molecules beyond. Pgp to function needs an input of metabolic energy, and obtained by consuming one molecule of ATP to ensure that everything happens quickly.

course, to carry out its task, the P-glycoprotein should be able to expel many types of molecules. The researchers found that Pgp can pump out hundreds of different molecules with cell sizes ranging from a few tens of atoms up to hundreds of atoms. Most of these molecules are hydrophobic and are then dissolved in the cell membrane. Unfortunately, the Pgp not only expels the toxic molecules, in fact among the molecules that capture, there are also important drugs such as cyclosporine
and anticancer drugs. It follows that the activity of this protein from a certain point of view is dangerous because while on one hand provides protection to the cell expelling the harmful molecules reduces the effectiveness of other medications that we take in therapy.
block pump

Another approach is to look for drugs that enter in the active site of the protein and block the action inside.

Expor Structure
As you can see in the image on the side of P-glycoprotein consists of a long amino acid chain that folds in half very similar. In the figure the first half of the protein is colored blue, the second green. A short segment of protein that binds the two halves is not visible in this crystal structure (it is too mobile) and then is shown with a dotted line magenta. Notice how similar they are the two halves and how extensive their overlap. The researchers hypothesized that the protein has evolved as a result of an accidental duplication of the gene that coded, and this produced a protein consisting of two longer half nearly identical.


Monday, October 11, 2010

Canned Foods And Metallic


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E 'has been established for years that the head of the so-called "mad cow disease
of scrapie in sheep and
' s
bovine spongiform encephalopathy
disease and kuru-creuzfeltdt jaocob ) in man is nothing but a small protein known as a prion. The prions are nothing but small
glycoproteins localized
boobies cell membranes of the system nervous. Why cause a disease such as mad? Prions are proteins that can take two different forms, one regular and one wrong. For the truth is known that many proteins are flexible assume different conformations, prions, however, have a special feature: if assumonouna the wrong shape can cause normal prions to take the form incorrect. In this way a small number of abnormal prions can ruin an entire population of normal prions convert one by one in the wrong format. This can have very serious consequences as they increase in body levels of prion protein transformed.
For example, the incorrect folding of the prion PrP
causes fatal degeneration of the nervous system in humans and other mammals.
The normal form of prion protein PrP
, shown here, is on the surface of nerve cells, but when it takes the form incorrect, the aggregates into long fibrils that block the normal functioning of the brain. Infection occurs when a small amount of protein from the erroneous form enters the body because it is eaten or through a wound. A dramatic case of this kind occurred between the native population of the island of Papua New Guinea because of the rites of cannibalism that accompanied the funeral ceremonies. The outbreak probably began when a person has developed the disease spontaneously, in fact, the susceptibility to diseases caused by abnormal prions can be hereditary, and it is possible involvement of DNA or RNA, it seems that in all mammals there are genes for the predisposition to form abnormal protein that then allows the transmission of the disease but, but even if many individuals with genetic predisposition do not develop any type of prion disease unless they come into contact with abnormal forms of the protein.
The abnormal prions have spread throughout the community when the infected person has been eaten. More recently there has been widespread concern that the prions that cause cattle in the mad cow disease may be transmitted to humans by eating infected meat. The bovine PrP protein is in fact very similar to that in humans and are seen many cases of this type of infection.

. The large domain on the left image above was obtained from the PDB file
1qm2 . It has a lipid attached to the bottom that serves to anchor the protein to the surface of nerve cells and also has two carbohydrate chains.
The remainder of the protein chain is very flexible and her two portions were studied by NMR spectroscopy getting the PDB file 1oei and 1skh . Although the prion PrP have been studied for years, much remains to be understood. We know that there are nerve cells, but their exact function has not yet been determined with certainty. In addition, researchers have not yet discovered the structure of the form wrong and infectious prion PrP. The structure shown below, however, can give us an idea of \u200b\u200bhow it could be.

Prions functional.

Nature is full of surprises and prions are no exception. While humans and other mammals, prions can cause a terrible disease, other organizations use to stay healthy prions. Some fungi, for example, synthesize the HET-s prion protein, shown here in its incorrect form, from the PDB file 2rnm. This protein has a particular role in the growth of fungi. Some individuals have a variety of HET-s that can take only one form, while other individuals have a variety of slightly different protein that can take both forms. When two colonies of fungi are in contact with each other, exchange some biological material by fusing cells, forming some large cells with multiple nuclei. The fused cells die if they have incompatible forms of HET-s protein. This becomes an advantage because it promotes the biological diversity in the population, while maintaining the separate colonies and then limiting the spread of viral infections.
Changing the correct structure.
When you take the wrong form, prions aggregate to form fibrils very compact and can not be degraded by cellular proteolytic enzymes. We can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of these fibrils by examining the figure at right 2rnm obtained from the PDB file, which includes part of the prion protein HET-s of fungus. This file includes a short fibril consists of ten different protein chains stacked to form a solenoid structure. Some non-polar amino acids, highlighted in white, (valine, leucine and isoleucine) are addressed within this solenoid and, by binding together by hydrophobic bonds, help to stabilize the structure in this conformation. The protein chains that make up the fibril, have assumed a form which we have hitherto called "wrong". Were transformed from normal structure to alpha-helix in beta sheets folded
highlighted in yellow in the two figures below (these are also taken from the PDB file 2rnm).

The folded beta sheet structure has the characteristic of being "sticky" because they form hydrogen bonds with another folded beta-chain with which they approached the side.
Nearly all proteins have some features in which beta-folded structures can sometimes generate specific within the protein such as the walls of a cylindrical shape in which small molecules can be accommodated. In some cases, however, the stickiness of these side chains may promote abnormal aggregation of a protein with the other, as shown at right. Are created, thus, the large aggregates consisting of many proteins that form of stacked long amyloid fibrils calls for taking microscopic appearance similar to grains of starch plant tissue.

Here's an image that shows the correct structure of a prion.
Sources: pdb

Sunday, October 10, 2010

When I Drink Alcohol My Body Aches

Two months

I wonder how my life would be now if you had not returned to join. If it were not for your lips to my warm up after a walk through the streets of this obvious gray province. If it were not for your voice and your face to be recognized among the multitude daily. Your presence in my heart is a protection against all the hatred, resentment, superficiality violently from all that rain and will certainly end up with hurt me if I tried all this boundless love . If I had not returned to them so sweet and determined to wind I finished my thoughts with the old veil of mistrust in which I found under the illusion of strength. If I had never looked deep in your beautiful eyes I would have resigned blacks to human cruelty, some could not hope for anything more than the usual phrases of circumstance. But you're new here, you're back to being the center of my every action, the root cause of all my joy. If there were more people in the world with your own sensibilities would no doubt much less vulgarity and much less perfidy to poison the present day. I love you with all the overwhelming intensity that my feelings can get to try.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Kates Playground Breast

RNA interference.

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( I've edited the post on RNA interference, making it much more complete).

L '
RNA interference (RNA interference) was discovered for the first time in a nematode worm (Caenorhabditis elegans

). It was observed that the double-stranded RNA (dsRNA
, double stranded RNA
) caused gene silencing in a sequence-specific. Researchers had long thought that the RNA would be a perfect tool for the control of gene expression, since the right sequence of RNA should bind DNA and interfere with its transcription. While studying the efficiency of antisense RNA as a suppressor of gene expression, it was found that dsRNA was more efficient to turn off the transcription of a gene.

In our cells the presence of double-stranded RNA can be a big problem. Although cells are present in the transfer RNA
and ribosomes, which contain some sharp edges hairpin and then double helix, most of our RNA, and especially the messenger RNA is a single chain. Many viruses, however, form long stretches of double-stranded RNA as their genome doubling. If our cells are double-stranded RNA, interpret it as having a viral infection and produce a response that often leads to death of the entire cell. The plants and animals, however, has other defenses targeted directly attack viral RNA, called RNA interference
produce interference
as shown at the top of RNA interference begins when you submit a long chain of double-stranded RNA such as that produced by virus replication. An enzyme class is RNase III known as Dicer (which fragments), shown at the top right in blue (PDB file 2ffl ), binds to the dsRNA sequence of cutting the chain small fragments called short interfering RNA (
siRNA), one of which is shown in the upper left (PDB file

). The siRNA is about 21 base pairs long, but the two chains are cut in an asymmetrical way: 19 nucleotides are perfectly paired as two nucleotides protruding from each of the two 3 'end. These features readily recognized by the siRNA. It seems that a key role nell'enzima Dicer, is played by special arrangement of four manganese ions, highlighted in magenta in the facility. It is thought that these are just to make the cut in the chain of asymmetric double-stranded RNA, thus creating the projections.
The fragment obtained by the catalyzed by the protein Dicer is associated with an enzyme complex called RISC
RNA-interference silencing complex, the RNAi silencing complex ). double-stranded RNA is opened, probably by a helicase, only the antisense RNA strand remains bound to RISC, while the sense strand is degraded. The RISC binds to a complementary sequence of a fragment of mRNA degrading. Why this happens is still under investigation. Probably a
endogenous RNA polymerase somehow manages to feel that a particular messenger RNA is produced in excess through the different reactions we have described to trigger the process of destruction. After all if we think about it is a logic that could also be applied against the virus. In recent years, many industries have arisen that have built kits for RNAi and dsRNA for use in laboratory inactivate genes. In fact, once the known gene sequence of our interest in the double-stranded RNA can be used to produce the siRNA to turn off the gene using RNAi these researchers were able for example to map thousands of genes organism
C .

Protein Argonaut siRNA molecules produced by the enzyme Dicer, are also collected by proteins known as the Argonaut and used to destroy any other RNA that are close by. The Argonaut protein, shown here at the bottom (PDB file 1u04) alloy upon himself one of the two chains of siRNA and look for a messenger RNA that is equip with it. If found, it hydrolyzes, that destroys it. In this way, the cell removes all traces of messenger RNA that corresponds to the sequence of the double helix of RNA attached to the top by the enzyme Dicer. Trivia: Argonaut protein was discovered for the first time in a plant mutant that had a spiral shape similar to that of the Nautilus shell, the British call a cephalopod Argonauta. many RNA ...
In the years since the discovery of RNA interference, researchers have found that this process is much more common than expected at the beginning and that small fragments of RNA plays many functional roles. A similar class of molecules called microRNA, is created in the core from the normal RNA of the cell. Even these microRNAs are created by Dicer enzyme and are used to modulate the activity of our normal messenger RNA. Looking for a messenger RNA with a complementary sequence, will bind, and then they stop functioning. MicroRNAs are coupled with complementary sequences of DNA, thus changing the properties of the chromosomes by changing the level of methylation or histone binding.
In the search ...
Scientists have learned to use the technique of RNA interference to destroy specific RNA sequences in animal and plant cells. Exploiting this process, the researchers were able to synthesize artificial interfering RNA sequences which, inserted into the cell, RNA can destroy whatever you want to disable. As mentioned before percmette this technique to study the genes and what may be their function. For example, RNAi is destroyed most of the messenger RNA that produces the gene using RNA interference, which can bind to specific mRNA, thus almost completely stops the production of the protein that is encoded by the gene and observed the consequences. Some researchers are trying to use these small molecules RNA to combat diseases, such as turning off certain genes linked to cancer.
Strategies virus.

viruses, however, have many tricks up their sleeves and rarely left without doing anything when they were attacked. Viruses have developed different strategies to respond to RNA interference. The protein shown here (PDB file
binds to siRNA and prevents the normal function to destroy the viral messenger RNA. Notice how the protein (in blue) to act as a gauge, overlapping at both ends of the siRNA (orange and red). In this way detects and blocks only small fragments of RNA that have exactly the length of an siRNA.

A look at the structure ...
siRNA molecules produced by the enzyme Dicer are easy to recognize: they all have the same length of 21 base pairs and have an unusual tail of two nucleotides protruding from each end 3 '. The structure shown above in blue (file 1si3 PDB) is the PAZ domain used by many proteins to recognize the two ends of the siRNA. The protein is linked to a short stretch of siRNA represented by small colored balls. Note, in the upper left, as the two bases protruding bind within a small pocket of the protein, while the base terminal of the shorter chain, right, rests just below a ledge of the protein.
Here is a movie of the mechanism of RNA interference directly from the site of still
RNA interference mechanism


PDB (Protein Data Bank




Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mount And Blade Hair Color

♥ The devil is in the details

A lot of people are surprised by my good memory, especially for dates, birthdays or other significant events, I do not seem nothing special even though I recognize that you have a particular talent for to recall the details . Facial expression, a casual hand gesture, a word seemingly trivial things are all that, when inserted in a relevant context for me, going to store in memory, intended to stay in indefinitely. Not always have positive consequences because in addition to having saved so many times that I have filled with joy , lots of unique moments and sweet are also able to remember with painful accuracy the ugliest periods, those full of confusion and loneliness . Sometimes it happens that my subconscious makes me sick to relive those memories in the form of distressing nightmares and strange, like those of a few nights ago, or those of a few weeks before. What troubles me about these dreams is not so much the memory itself but rather the fact they are reliving a situation where I was weak and afraid, so no full stops or certainties. Despite this summer have changed for the better aspects of my life some things just can not forget, I chose to forgive, to move forward without opening old wounds but - unfortunately - I can not choose what to remove from my head.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Where To Buy A Harry Potter Scarf In Toronto

small RNAs that induce tumor cells to self-destruct

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Researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have created a new program to kill cancer cells. The process developed by Niles Pierce, associate professor of applied and computational mathematics and bioengineering at Caltech, and his colleagues have used small RNA molecules that can be programmed to attack only specific cancer cells, then, changing shape, these molecules induce the cells that cause the cancer to destroy itself. In conventional chemotherapy treatments for cancer, patients are given drugs that the typical behavior of the target cell, but unfortunately are not exclusive only of tumor cells. For example, commonly used drugs commonly attack the cells that divide rapidly accelerated since that division is a hallmark of most cancer cells.
Unfortunately, the rapid cell division is a property of normal cells present in the bone marrow, digestive tract and hair follicles, and so these cells are killed, leading to a series of debilitating side effects ( in short, the aim of chemotherapy is to kill cancer cells before these drugs causing too much damage to the patient). "A method best,-says-Pierce, would be to develop drugs that are able to distinguish cancer cells from the healthy ones and then, once these cells have been identified, mark them for destruction, in other words, produce molecules that can "diagnose" what are the cancer cells before eradicating them. "
This type of therapy may negate the side effects associated with conventional chemotherapy. It could also be adapted to the molecular level to the individual types of cancer.

The research has been published on
National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
. But we see a little more closely what it is, the research carried out by research theme uses molecules of RNA with a hairpin structure, small RNAs that are less than 30 base pairs in length. (An average gene consists of thousands of base pairs). The method used by the researchers' involves the use of two different varieties of small RNA. One of the molecules is designed to be complementary, and therefore able to bind to a specific sequence of RNA of a particular cancer cell, for example, the cells of glioblastoma, an aggressive brain tumor. In order to bind to the cancer mutation, the RNA hairpin to open the molecule changes from one shape into another, which in turn, exposes a sequence that can bind spontaneously to the second type of RNA hairpin. The opening of the second hairpin reveals a sequence that binds to the first type of hairpin, and so on.
In this way, the identification of tumor markers active self-assembly of these RNA molecules that leads to the formation of a long polymer double-stranded RNA. This causes the cell innate immune response very similar to what occurs in the presence of viral RNA. In fact, the human cells to defend against the infection of a virus using a protein called The little trick is to form double-stranded RNA molecules similar to the virus, as if the cell was invaded by a virus
causing it to trigger a cell death process " says Pierce. "However, there is no virus."
Source: Eurekalert