Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mount And Blade Hair Color

♥ The devil is in the details

A lot of people are surprised by my good memory, especially for dates, birthdays or other significant events, I do not seem nothing special even though I recognize that you have a particular talent for to recall the details . Facial expression, a casual hand gesture, a word seemingly trivial things are all that, when inserted in a relevant context for me, going to store in memory, intended to stay in indefinitely. Not always have positive consequences because in addition to having saved so many times that I have filled with joy , lots of unique moments and sweet are also able to remember with painful accuracy the ugliest periods, those full of confusion and loneliness . Sometimes it happens that my subconscious makes me sick to relive those memories in the form of distressing nightmares and strange, like those of a few nights ago, or those of a few weeks before. What troubles me about these dreams is not so much the memory itself but rather the fact they are reliving a situation where I was weak and afraid, so no full stops or certainties. Despite this summer have changed for the better aspects of my life some things just can not forget, I chose to forgive, to move forward without opening old wounds but - unfortunately - I can not choose what to remove from my head.


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