Friday, September 10, 2010

Title For Wedding Seating Chart

A month ♥

[♥ August 10, 2010 September 10, 2010]
Today is exactly one month I went back with my boyfriend and I could not be more happy and in love with it. Every time I thought his mind caresses my lips are bent in an instinctive and tender smile. I I have the attention I devoted: even an apparently worthy of little note for me is pregnant of meaning; gesture that carve indelible in my memory, with time becoming a memory to relive it with joy. There is nothing more beautiful than to watch him ride, and her face is shaped with joy. I love him and I could spend hours trying to describe my love, but are unable to transmit to the bottom of the overwhelming and wonderful feeling that upsets me the heart.
{Little still loves the man who can express in words how much you love. / /} Dante


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