Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mount And Blade Hair Color

♥ The devil is in the details

A lot of people are surprised by my good memory, especially for dates, birthdays or other significant events, I do not seem nothing special even though I recognize that you have a particular talent for to recall the details . Facial expression, a casual hand gesture, a word seemingly trivial things are all that, when inserted in a relevant context for me, going to store in memory, intended to stay in indefinitely. Not always have positive consequences because in addition to having saved so many times that I have filled with joy , lots of unique moments and sweet are also able to remember with painful accuracy the ugliest periods, those full of confusion and loneliness . Sometimes it happens that my subconscious makes me sick to relive those memories in the form of distressing nightmares and strange, like those of a few nights ago, or those of a few weeks before. What troubles me about these dreams is not so much the memory itself but rather the fact they are reliving a situation where I was weak and afraid, so no full stops or certainties. Despite this summer have changed for the better aspects of my life some things just can not forget, I chose to forgive, to move forward without opening old wounds but - unfortunately - I can not choose what to remove from my head.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Where To Buy A Harry Potter Scarf In Toronto

small RNAs that induce tumor cells to self-destruct

was _gaq = _gaq
Researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have created a new program to kill cancer cells. The process developed by Niles Pierce, associate professor of applied and computational mathematics and bioengineering at Caltech, and his colleagues have used small RNA molecules that can be programmed to attack only specific cancer cells, then, changing shape, these molecules induce the cells that cause the cancer to destroy itself. In conventional chemotherapy treatments for cancer, patients are given drugs that the typical behavior of the target cell, but unfortunately are not exclusive only of tumor cells. For example, commonly used drugs commonly attack the cells that divide rapidly accelerated since that division is a hallmark of most cancer cells.
Unfortunately, the rapid cell division is a property of normal cells present in the bone marrow, digestive tract and hair follicles, and so these cells are killed, leading to a series of debilitating side effects ( in short, the aim of chemotherapy is to kill cancer cells before these drugs causing too much damage to the patient). "A method best,-says-Pierce, would be to develop drugs that are able to distinguish cancer cells from the healthy ones and then, once these cells have been identified, mark them for destruction, in other words, produce molecules that can "diagnose" what are the cancer cells before eradicating them. "
This type of therapy may negate the side effects associated with conventional chemotherapy. It could also be adapted to the molecular level to the individual types of cancer.

The research has been published on
National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
. But we see a little more closely what it is, the research carried out by research theme uses molecules of RNA with a hairpin structure, small RNAs that are less than 30 base pairs in length. (An average gene consists of thousands of base pairs). The method used by the researchers' involves the use of two different varieties of small RNA. One of the molecules is designed to be complementary, and therefore able to bind to a specific sequence of RNA of a particular cancer cell, for example, the cells of glioblastoma, an aggressive brain tumor. In order to bind to the cancer mutation, the RNA hairpin to open the molecule changes from one shape into another, which in turn, exposes a sequence that can bind spontaneously to the second type of RNA hairpin. The opening of the second hairpin reveals a sequence that binds to the first type of hairpin, and so on.
In this way, the identification of tumor markers active self-assembly of these RNA molecules that leads to the formation of a long polymer double-stranded RNA. This causes the cell innate immune response very similar to what occurs in the presence of viral RNA. In fact, the human cells to defend against the infection of a virus using a protein called The little trick is to form double-stranded RNA molecules similar to the virus, as if the cell was invaded by a virus
causing it to trigger a cell death process " says Pierce. "However, there is no virus."
Source: Eurekalert

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

What If You Swallow Listerine

140th anniversary of the fall of Rome

day program Sunday, September 19 :

at 15.30 Porta Pia Statue Bersagliere next appointment.

Andrea Metelli tell "The taking of Porta Pia" through the writings of Edmondo De Amicis, the author of Heart, but bersagliere share of that 20 September 1870 that described in the book enthusiast diary "The three capitals."

16.00 Via XX Settembre performance Fanfare Bersaglieri

16.30 Porta Pia guided tour (groups max30)
17.00 via Pastrengo Roman Concerto songs and games for children
18.20 Porta Pia show "Disco Risorgimento" Edoardo Sylos Labini impersonates Mazzini and tells the Roman Republic
19 Hours Via XX Settembre Visit Barracks Corrazzieri
20.15 Pastrengo Entertainment Via Michele Placido on Via Cairoli brothers
22.00 Pastrengo Entertainment Enrico Montesano
23.30 Porta Pia Fireworks

Friday, September 10, 2010

Church Anniversary Progam

The Mendelian heredity

var _gaq _gaq = The simple inheritance. Complicating matters are in fact the presence of many genes, in fact the vast majority of the most common phenotypes in humans arises from the interaction of multiple genes in humans are indeed a few characters controlled by a single gene that in many cases are also responsible for the life of debilitating disorders such as Huntington
syndrome and cystic fibrosis
It becomes clear how the genetic investigation in humans is complex and full of obstacles. We have said that most of the characters that are inherited in humans follow a Mendelian type, this is mainly due to the fact that human beings do not plan some of them on a purely genetic choices, the time between one generation and the other is very long, many diseases occur in middle age, the families for many children may have are relatively small when compared with the countless children who pttiene dal'incrocio of a plant such as those that Mendel used, it follows that in statistical genetic analysis is complex, there are no clean lines it controlled unions. Geneticists overcome these limitations by studying a large number of families or different generations of a large family to obtain models that can explain the inheritance of characters. A family history can be represented by a tree, perhaps more correct to say that a pedigree chart summarizes the order in which the most important genetic characteristics of a family.

How to interpret a family tree?

quadtrati I represent males, circles females, the diamonds indicate that sex is not specified, the members of a family with a character is marked by a square or a circle depending on whether full are male or female. A horizontal line joining a boy or a girl means a union, double line indicates that the union took place between consenguinei, that is a union between relatives. A horizontal line over a series of symbols indicates the children of the parents themselves are typically aligned from left to right according to the Odin-born Roman numerals on the left or right indicate the generations. In the picture next
(Clicking it enlarges more) lists the various characteristics of a pedigree.

observing the simple rules we can recognize the characters by analyzing a dominant or recessive pedigree.
Dominant characters.

If the progeny show a character at least one parent must be affected
The characters show a dominant pattern of inheritance vertical, that is, the character appears in every generation
3) both parents show a character could not have children affected if both parents are etrozigoti.
recessive traits.

1) Individuals who
Mostar character may be children of unaffected carriers may be the result of inbreeding.

All progeny Affected individuals must show character.
rare recessive traits may show a pattern of inheritance called horizontal before the character appears between different individuals in each generation, but is not visible in the early generations.

recessive traits may show a vertical pattern of inheritance in some cases if the character is extremely common in a population.

Title For Wedding Seating Chart

A month ♥

[♥ August 10, 2010 September 10, 2010]
Today is exactly one month I went back with my boyfriend and I could not be more happy and in love with it. Every time I thought his mind caresses my lips are bent in an instinctive and tender smile. I I have the attention I devoted: even an apparently worthy of little note for me is pregnant of meaning; gesture that carve indelible in my memory, with time becoming a memory to relive it with joy. There is nothing more beautiful than to watch him ride, and her face is shaped with joy. I love him and I could spend hours trying to describe my love, but are unable to transmit to the bottom of the overwhelming and wonderful feeling that upsets me the heart.
{Little still loves the man who can express in words how much you love. / /} Dante

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dragonball Doujinshi H 1 And 2

Innovation and knowledge

Lately I happen to be envy of many girls. That is unusual for me, In the past I never wanted to be like anyone else, nor have I ever wanted to see me with different eyes. Are not popularity or wealth the reason for my jealousy, but rather the security that these people express in their every gesture, from everything they do shines through loud and clear message "I am convinced to be the best, to be unique and fabulous. " They do not waver, does not falter, not angry for marginal defects and without any relevance. Shoot straight on their way, all alike, all with the same haircut, all with the same songs in the iPod and the same circle of friends, head held high and pounds of makeup in my face, and if one part vision presumptuous of these clones makes me smile with condescension, there is a side of me that wants to try at least once as it is to be so swollen with certainty , get up in the morning with the feeling that you understand everything in the world, be as brave and do not need to improve at any point. I do not ever. Whatever he does, but every effort, always aware that there is someone out there who knows more than me, who has more creativity and will probably never understand, because of the limitations of my small and trivial mind. Although an admission of ignorance is already a step ahead to reach an understanding less superficial, it is not enough, especially because this is a concept that has already been said by Socrates, and probably many other philosophers unknown to me. What we aspire to is to understand, analyze, quench my thirst for knowledge , but at the same time to reinvent myself every day to bring something really new to humanity. Are overly ambitious , I know, but try to understand the true meaning of things leads to feeling more and more inadequate with each passing day and there are times when I just want to lie down in a comfortable bed, and being told "You need to have a long way , learn a lot from life, to grow, but to me it is fine as six, I love you. "These words would be so valuable so wonderful to hear and for a moment I would be happy to just be myself, despite all the defects.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Creamy Cervical Mucus On Day Of Expected Period


I feel peaceful and serene. After a long period of difficulties I can finally breathe a sigh of relief, and the sun still shines in the sky and it seems the height of summer if not for the crisp breeze that caresses these lazy days. I'm not even sad about the beginning of the school because, if I have to be honest, I missed a bit 'school atmosphere and I feel that this year will be particularly welcome. But the main reason for the newfound happiness is to be found almost exclusively in wonderful relationship I have with my boyfriend. I could not imagine feeling the most profound and sincere than I feel for him and I am sure that no other person would be able to involve so, making the best even the most trivial of situations with a simple word, a look or a laugh. I hate boredom, the succession of gray days all the same, and is also why I appreciate so much his presence in my life, with its splendid natural can only make everything around him and about him. The moments spent with him are the only ones that can be said to be totally myself. His sincerity and sweetness can remove the thick shell is wrapped in my heart, revealing my weaknesses and the most sensitive part of me. Before now I never open it with anyone and do not know if it will happen in the future given that we encourage this openness has only the power of a love unrivaled. I can say with certainty that I will love him so intensely that no one else, not even in the distant future ♥

{Perhaps the wait has just seen too much, perhaps in the world did not know being so far away to expect more. But I want you, you slowly slides inside me, but I want to be charming and insinuating. We are hostages of a love that explodes delicate instinct and sweat. / / ♪ Subsonica - Odour }