Tuesday, June 22, 2010

I Need A Loan Shark In Northern Nj

SMALL PIECES No stranger

At night or during the day, when you have more time and the mind is absorbed by a thousand and one things can emerge ideas and goals to pursue and achieve with all the men and women of good will: The Wider Europe that nobody ever tries to divide ...

There is time for everything and maybe this is the time to continue his journey together with all people of RIGHT who intend to pursue those values \u200b\u200band principles we rather sweet, with awareness, looking not only to Italy, but also to Europe.

Great Men of the Right, they imagined and planned that there is no Europe without the right. What is happening is not a "change skin" but simply a matter of time that the physiological events of all time, brings us to today's biggest Party d 'Italy ( PDL) and in the future, the biggest party d 'Europe (PPE).

Life is strewn with fragments of ideas and projects and the aim of us all, must be to collect them and offering them to the community to which we belong and we want to patriotism, to give our small contribution.

No one is excluded from this large joint project in which everyone can recognize with their duties and merits.

Marco Federico


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