Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

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Justicialism sauce moralist

When one considers the phenomenon in full executioner, do not forget some moralist Appendix, subject to the same logic contrary to the principle of justicialism Italic, "DiPietro, contradictory policies. It discusses the likely electoral reimbursements received from Italy of Values. The "moralists always" cry to the fraud, the disciples of Di Pietro invoke the closure of the case, third parties derive benefits from their gray matter. Or rather, do not confuse the review call of the scales of justice: the real one does not need to "prophets and advocates" to Don Quixote. You and 'innocent until proven otherwise, even to preach good and 'someone that scratched badly, without delay, without guilt, without distinction. Do not confuse the need mo 'clarity to a desire to replicate at all costs "champions of mediocrity'. It is precisely the point.'s Alibi evidence, the eternal imbalance of those who judge first and then really , as if nothing had happened, and extrinsic replica man or contests judged by him before. Resources are others, as well as transparency in similar circumstances but different, light years away from the arrival at the finish of a justice not induced, although perhaps a tomorrow is not misrepresented to his own use and consumption.'s party Di Pietro has always used all of us, the guilty party par excellence, of necessity, and for that right. Remove from the minds of some, the logic induced, and 'a perennial challenge perhaps lost cause. Attach the "King of justice-", where 'wrongly become a weapon against themselves. It 's what they seek, what they need to exit a "limbo" composed of content not, ridicule and anti-political policy of communication. Destrafuturo differs from the regressive tendency of many. "Do not" shoot the Red Cross "to tell the truth even if it is not 'what' that is, even if aware of a role that is not its responsibility, we do not share the "game" of the parties. We insist: onanism prolificante on the case above, it appears to us as an annoying buzz, the research at all costs is already unreal 'never authentic truth, body and soul of those golf always bread and 'their truth'. "

FF Marotta

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SMALL PIECES No stranger

At night or during the day, when you have more time and the mind is absorbed by a thousand and one things can emerge ideas and goals to pursue and achieve with all the men and women of good will: The Wider Europe that nobody ever tries to divide ...

There is time for everything and maybe this is the time to continue his journey together with all people of RIGHT who intend to pursue those values \u200b\u200band principles we rather sweet, with awareness, looking not only to Italy, but also to Europe.

Great Men of the Right, they imagined and planned that there is no Europe without the right. What is happening is not a "change skin" but simply a matter of time that the physiological events of all time, brings us to today's biggest Party d 'Italy ( PDL) and in the future, the biggest party d 'Europe (PPE).

Life is strewn with fragments of ideas and projects and the aim of us all, must be to collect them and offering them to the community to which we belong and we want to patriotism, to give our small contribution.

No one is excluded from this large joint project in which everyone can recognize with their duties and merits.

Marco Federico

Monday, June 7, 2010

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Propaganda Future: Part I (Enrico Verga)

A quote necessary: \u200b\u200b

"A good government can 'be sold to community like any other product.
That 's so true that I often wonder if the political leaders who will be responsible responsible for ensuring the prestige and effectiveness of their parties, will not begin to form panels that would also be propagandists.

Politicians are reluctant to use the methods currently used in business, perhaps because they have immediate access to the media upon which their power.

A manager creates new situations, does not conform to a process of mechanical reproduction of stereotypes.

imagine that face campaign to reduce tariffs.

chooses' certainly the modern technology of radio to express his ideas, but everything suggests that fear will opt to the old method of the psychological, already obsolete at the time of Andrew Jackson, which the firm has largely abandoned.

'Vote for me and for the reduction of tariffs, because the more' are high, the more 'expensive you will pay what' you buy 'will launch through the air.

It 's true that the great advantage to be able to appeal directly to fifty million listeners, but his tactics are out of fashion: trying to argue with the public, relying on its own force of inertia. If instead we have a politician who knows how to make skillful use of propaganda, he will use your radio, but as an instrument of a strategy developed.

The bishop of the reduction of tariffs will not only explain their high level increases the prices of products, but will create situations that may give this statement, the strength of the evidence.

For this purpose, may decide to set up an exhibition simultaneously in twenty cities showing clearly the increased costs due to tariffs in force.

It will make these shows are solemnly inaugurated by men and women that important, although not participating in political life, have good reason to support the proposal.

Relying on those groups whose interests are particularly threatened by the rising cost of living, encourage 'behind the scenes a movement for the reduction of tariffs.

will bring the issue onto the public stage, such as urging the personality 'with a view to boycott woolen clothes and perform their high office wearing cotton clothes, until customs duties on wool will be reduced.

give voice to social workers explain that the high price of wool will damage the health of the most 'poor during the winter.

Cosi ', whatever took the initiative, be able to draw attention to the problem before you apply directly to the public.

When will speak on the radio does not have to reiterate his arguments to millions of people who certainly have other reasons for concern and may get angry for further solicitation. His speech, however, to answer questions they arise spontaneously express the expectations and emotions of an audience that's already won in part due to its "

Edward Bernays 1928