Friday, April 2, 2010

Kidde Smoke Alarm Beep Three

March 21 interview with the Cav. A. De Simone, co-founder Destrafuturo

Question: After the official presentation of Destrafuturo, with dinner on March 6, politicians are having?

Answer: The very presence of Massimo Corsaro (deputy regional coordinator PDL) and Carlo Fidanza (MEP) indicates that the project was known Destrafuturo and is encouraged by the highest personalities of the PDL. The findings were exciting especially after the political level of ordinary people, voters. The latter are our contacts. We want to reconnect the people of the right to active politics.
  • What was the line for Regional Destrafuturo?
We preferred to keep a low profile, do not expose any candidatura.Non openly in favor of us having to chase. We want to see, among the politicians of the PDL, who will follow us. Obviously the friend Romano La Russa (formerly Regional Councillor industry in the last Parliament) wanted to "debut" in the election campaign for our dinner of spring. We have been happy because Romano La Russa is the only "ex AN" elected with more than 9,000 wishes. We certainly have contributed.

  • A comment after the election?
Coma said Carlo Fidanza Corriere della Sera recently, within the PDL there are some who carries on the values \u200b\u200bof the Right. We had already figured in September 2009. I and other senior of Destrafuturo, I refer to Michael Puccinelli, Flavio Dario Nucci and worms, we must work to grow Destrafuturo within the PDL. Our young people and friends who want to join ask to go to regain the electorate's right dispersed in the League.
  • What are hours of programs and upcoming events Destrafuturo?
After Easter will meet the Board. The ideas are many, high morale and the desire not to miss: It 's one of the "old days". Soon we will publish on the blog, and disclose, initiatives and appointments.
  • In a year you will vote for the City of Milan, Moratti, or a new face?
Mayor Moratti there now seems to have done. More than this can not give. The reward for the future but we see a character more energetic, bright, able to return to Milan, a symbol of cultural renewal, political and economic. I had to give a slogan: "Lombardy and Milan, Italy's new locomotive."

Interview spokesman, Carlo Gorla Brignolo Cav. A De Simone, co-founder Destrafuturo.


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