Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cruising Areas Bombay

Clarity on Immigration, interview with Flavio Nucci

QUESTION: Knowing your attention to demographic trends, especially the "crisis" that characterizes it, a crisis which affects especially Italy, what is the attitude that the right should it take?

ANSWER: The crisis manifests itself now in a constant surplus of deaths over births. It is a far cry from the rate of "change" that is 2.1 children per couple while the actual rate is now 1.4.

Q: How to play in this situation, the immigrant population?

A: Demographic data relate mostly to resident population, not to that of Italian nationality, extrapolating from the number of births Italian couples, the rate drops further to 1.2 children per couple.

Q: Is it not appropriate to encourage immigration?

A: Legal immigrants are already nearly 4 million illegal immigrants are estimated at least another million. Some say that the contributions made by immigrants can fill in the gaps of the national social security budget. This is wrong, because almost all immigrants within the contributory system, that their pensions will be paid only to the contributions and not pay for the last year (Law Dini '96). It follows that contributions will only be available for those who have actually paid

D. in view of these data, to be judged as the proposal of "Finian" to shorten the period for obtaining citizenship and also to give the same according to the place of birth and nationality of the parents as it is now?

R. The current term of 10 years for the granting of citizenship (only on request and with other conditions) appears reasonable, but if they can discuss. What absolutely must be fought is insane about to pass by the "jus sanguinis" for the "jus soli". This would create a strong push for the immigration of couples, not just conceived son, they would see the same Italian citizen automatically, with the possibility of reunification for parents and grandparents. Moreover the children of Italian couples who are abroad for work take on the nationality of the place of residence and, if it were an Islamic country, are liable to be in the "STATUS" stateless persons.

D. There are some examples of similar situations?

R. In our time there is the case in France, which passed to the "jus soli" in the wake of the Evian agreements with Algeria, is now subject to ethnic riots, due to the strangeness of the North African nation against them hosts.

But the clearest reference and the shift to the "jus soli" of the Roman Empire by Emperor Caracalla (212 AD), in order to restock his military, already compromised by a demographic crisis. Historians have seen in this passage in the hands of foreign civilian and military leadership of one of the main causes of decline of the Roman Empire, because the emperors came to be elected by the Praetorian guards of the building or by legions stationed in the provinces and not by the Senate that would had yet to be.

D. What to do?

R. Hold on the current legislation, at the cost of isolating the most mob, which suggest create a new majority on the left.

Otherwise the league, attentive to this issue, continue to evade consensus, above all we must prevent a breakthrough - by peaceful means - of our nation by a wide variety of ethnic groups, especially those of Islamic faith, who have a birth rate more than twice that of the Italians.

interview Brignolo Carlo Gorla, also spokesman Destrafuturo


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