Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sour Cream And Onion Powder Recipe

Gianfranco Fini? He destroyed the Circle

My Circle Environmental was one of the largest and most active in Milan, some 150 members of the circle and the same card (paying) AN. The famous, at least in Milan, Gabriele D'Annunzio Circle.

Among the participants included self-established doctors, successful lawyers, businessmen and many valued employees and professionals and were almost all from an upper-middle-class Milanese.

Then we had a party of values, leadership and especially the militants. Then, from the first trip to the Holy Land of Gianfranco Fini, his continuous preach to multiculturalism, citizenship and the consequent non-voting, the teaching of the Koran in schools, de facto couples, ethical issues, the secular to the RU486 and finally to the recognition of same-sex couple, it was not understood anything .

My Circle began to fall apart. The members are disillusioned and angry, they become members of the League.

We, the defenders of the family (the founding cell of a company), the fight against illegal immigration (Were the times of the Bossi-Fini as he proudly calls it), election campaigns in the name of justice, certainty of punishment ... .. all things that my ex enrolled militants, now Northern League, tried to accuse me returning the cards.

Angry in my turn, I began to write the Provincial Federation and Citizens Sow even in the way of Rome, arguing that the foundation was crumbling, to intervene to help clubs, to return to recover the territory ... not to repeat the mistake of 'Elephant. All dead letters, my.

It was the day of "running board". The message of Hon. Underlying purpose was: "Every man for himself, God for all." And he sat in his chair doing "little arms" at the base AN, beginning teachers to attend the sitting of the Roman and I think I made the move of the horse: Scacco al Re (Berlusconi) without counting the votes.

now wants to make the independent groups. ... Autonomous by whom? With whom? (Vds broadcast yesterday 17 \\ 04 \\ 2010, conducted by journalist COMPARISON on RAI 2)

MILANO, 28 \\ 04 \\ 2010 -


Gabriele D'Annunzio ITALY 2000



Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Cruising Areas Bombay

Clarity on Immigration, interview with Flavio Nucci

QUESTION: Knowing your attention to demographic trends, especially the "crisis" that characterizes it, a crisis which affects especially Italy, what is the attitude that the right should it take?

ANSWER: The crisis manifests itself now in a constant surplus of deaths over births. It is a far cry from the rate of "change" that is 2.1 children per couple while the actual rate is now 1.4.

Q: How to play in this situation, the immigrant population?

A: Demographic data relate mostly to resident population, not to that of Italian nationality, extrapolating from the number of births Italian couples, the rate drops further to 1.2 children per couple.

Q: Is it not appropriate to encourage immigration?

A: Legal immigrants are already nearly 4 million illegal immigrants are estimated at least another million. Some say that the contributions made by immigrants can fill in the gaps of the national social security budget. This is wrong, because almost all immigrants within the contributory system, that their pensions will be paid only to the contributions and not pay for the last year (Law Dini '96). It follows that contributions will only be available for those who have actually paid

D. in view of these data, to be judged as the proposal of "Finian" to shorten the period for obtaining citizenship and also to give the same according to the place of birth and nationality of the parents as it is now?

R. The current term of 10 years for the granting of citizenship (only on request and with other conditions) appears reasonable, but if they can discuss. What absolutely must be fought is insane about to pass by the "jus sanguinis" for the "jus soli". This would create a strong push for the immigration of couples, not just conceived son, they would see the same Italian citizen automatically, with the possibility of reunification for parents and grandparents. Moreover the children of Italian couples who are abroad for work take on the nationality of the place of residence and, if it were an Islamic country, are liable to be in the "STATUS" stateless persons.

D. There are some examples of similar situations?

R. In our time there is the case in France, which passed to the "jus soli" in the wake of the Evian agreements with Algeria, is now subject to ethnic riots, due to the strangeness of the North African nation against them hosts.

But the clearest reference and the shift to the "jus soli" of the Roman Empire by Emperor Caracalla (212 AD), in order to restock his military, already compromised by a demographic crisis. Historians have seen in this passage in the hands of foreign civilian and military leadership of one of the main causes of decline of the Roman Empire, because the emperors came to be elected by the Praetorian guards of the building or by legions stationed in the provinces and not by the Senate that would had yet to be.

D. What to do?

R. Hold on the current legislation, at the cost of isolating the most mob, which suggest create a new majority on the left.

Otherwise the league, attentive to this issue, continue to evade consensus, above all we must prevent a breakthrough - by peaceful means - of our nation by a wide variety of ethnic groups, especially those of Islamic faith, who have a birth rate more than twice that of the Italians.

interview Brignolo Carlo Gorla, also spokesman Destrafuturo

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Muscles Used On The Summit Trainer

The late Gianfranco Fini


The undersigned presidents of the Federation of Clubs AN Milan have been asked in recent meetings of the Federation to apply for renewal of membership to the respective members 2007 and 2008 where possible new members.

We have already pointed out, in appropriate fora, the difficulty to convince our members that renewal because of the unclear path of AN in the near future.

indication of the need to be as many as possible to a hypothetical future Congress Party (which?) Is not enough, why not also answers frequently asked questions we are asked such as:

- AN converge or merge into an entity with new party FI

- or represent a component of this hypothetical entity party

- what elements / ideals / and fundamental assumptions characteristic of this new entity

- landmarks such as the current status and charter of values \u200b\u200bwill be maintained in such entity AN party

to these and other applications is very complex and difficult to answer because even unaware of the debate and assumptions are certainly analyzed by the direction of AN.

regret a serious and effective link between the elected and the electorate that is more influential than the usual meetings where the usual suspects in futile search for walkways applause as useless as inconclusive.

E 'superfluous to emphasize that in the dialectic elected / show voters if the latter concern is why the elect can not be explained, which can lead to the resignation of the latter from the register of electors.

Surely then the election result should make us reflect, and not delude ourselves that, maneuver "smart policy" of the summit can replace an honest and participatory Circle. For some time we spent on the development of the Working ensuring that extensive contact with new voters and activists in the League seems to be now in the country, the only interpreter. With the results it deserves. In the past months the attention of our party focused on the transition from the state of "Ectoplasm" that the division of the seats, without deal with classic themes: Security, Immigration, Drugs, Family etc etc.. And even here the League in politics, not management of Caste!

E 'should also reflect on the present composition of the leadership of the Party, at national level but especially at local level, perhaps too fast past force opposed to the government and with the same primary location, without the appropriate training and selection of skills, experience and professionalism.

It therefore remains to rethink what certainties, which involvement and what the objective must be pursued present both in respect of membership, but also to ourselves Presidents Circle. Since unnecessary and perhaps counterproductive pull up a live vivacchiando results, positions and awards achieved, when the same is not made good use at least in respect of the human community's Party



Gabriele D'Annunzio ITALY 2000


2008, written to the Federation AN Milanese.

What Does A Slave Bracelet Look Like?

Culture and Politics - seen by 'Destrafuturo'

Sunday 18, as part of events to commemorate MARZIO Trammel, a

ten years after his death, was held at Palazzo Isimbardi - by the Culture of the Province of Milan a study day on 'Culture & Politics'.

organized and conducted with his usual skill by Luke Welsh, friend co-worker during the years of Department Tremaglia in Lombardy, the conference was held with a trail of passionate, bright and often scathing reports scholars area and not, as evidenced by the names: C. Cavanaugh, Turris, Giorgio Galli, L. Garibaldi, G. Parlato, G. Mazzotta, P. Petraroia, C. Rise, Stenio Solinas, M. Veneziani, S. Zecchi.

Alongside and in addition to the activities of the 'political', the Hon President Guido Podesta

who also signed the invitation to the event burden. The Massimo Corsaro - already linked in the Region of Mars which outlined a human profile, friendly, professional and meta-political, as gripping of absolute precision.

In opening and closing action of the culture Ing.Umberto N. Maerna

with a repeated statement of intent about routes and paths of its mandate to aspire locate in - difficult because politically incorrect - way traced by Marzio in the years 1995-2000 of his amazing work in Region Lombardia.

Calm, balanced, rich content of the greeting of his son more Marzio - Andrea - spoke on behalf of the 'Fondazione Marzio Tremaglia' right now that seems to belie

the provision, which, with difficulty, children can match some fathers, physically and intellectually even now already in competition with such virtuous Dad.

A day full of political passion, analysis not vitiated by the conformism Memorial lurking on these occasions, rich not only justified criticism and calls due in the Right has failed to do - contradicting the legacy and example of Marzio Tremaglia - in recent years, but the influences and pressures that authoritatively erase the temptation to nostalgic.

obliged Conclusion: the only thing he asks us to Mars - a decade later, more than ever - is to remember not with words but to emulate behavior.

Dario Worms

Milan, 19.04.2010

Friday, April 16, 2010

Kate From Kates Playground Shower


When out in our blog with a note that still appear in the margin, we received the news of the stormy conclusion of the meeting Berlusconi-Fini from the rest of us expected, given the premises, and many of us hoped.

Destrafuturo think that the posting of the PDL Fini may constitute an element of clarity in the address of the party and its objectives.

Fini attribute to the lack of success of the component of the Right, from the AN, compared instead of the PDL and the undoubted success of the center.

To us, that we do not feel tied to any chair, but only to defend our roots, to our ideals, our dignity, in a word to our belief, and so we are free to say what we think, has always been incomprehensible to the path and mainly serves the purpose of Fini, if not in the assessments listed in the note below.

We believe, however, that the statements of position and Fini have been due because of:

  • abstention for those who evaluated his position papers addressed to retain as overturn the feel of the Right

  • preference that the League, honing his work, he thinks he has clear opinions generally devoted to the protection of the right to feel

  • penalizing our candidates in the choice of names in the PDL, which seemed to give greater assurance in meeting election promises

As a result we believe that it is desirable to have a final conclusion, even if traumatic, the discrepancy of views and objectives in the meeting showed Berlusconi-Fini, and also in line with the thought of Machiavelli remember that a war (political debate) is not an unreported war canceled, but postponed for the benefit of enemies (political opponent).

Finally we conclude stating that in the current situation and expected in the near future, our support and our votes will go to those who we believe has betrayed the premises and the promises and that is Berlusconi.

Michele Puccineli

co-founder Destrafuturo


E 'is known that two-round electoral systems penalize the right to be impatient because the more frequent consultations, because it does not want to lose too much leisure holidays.

And this is bad

The double shift at the disaffection fa'aumentare vote and the turnout.

And this is bad

The double turn increases the cost of elections.

And this is bad

It is not clear, therefore, the recent release of Fini direct election of the Head of State if not due to ... ..

- withdrawal symptoms in appearing in the media with some provocative externalization


- lend a hand to the left so as to increase his parliamentary weight (possible)

- try to disrupt the action of government, especially Berlusconi (secure)

In any case, we do not like the Right, and we feel increasingly confident that the placement policy Fini to be outside of the PDL.

And this is good