Monday, March 15, 2010

Can Herpes Spread To Your Stomach?

The purple towards red.

It 's always nice to see people demonstrating peacefully in the streets.

peacefully and freely express their political opinions, even and especially in disagreement with the party or parties in government, is the 'highest manifestation of the freedom that every democratic nation must be proud.

However, this manifestation of the people Viola, makes you think.

Officially, at least the first time, the movement-Viola wanted was to be impartial: a movement born from the network, whose sole purpose was to protest against the government and the party in power.

should be noted that to take place in 50000, 100000, 1,000,000 people, or simply 4 cats need coordination, logistics need, you need an overview.

We need tools for propaganda, flags, vehicles, need money in a few words.

lot of money, 'cause the people to take to the streets, you have to convince, although it is nice to think that with a couple of discussion groups on traditional social networks can move huge crowds reality and' another .

If someone pays you a ticket bus or train, gives you a flag (which also is produced in China, but will cost 10 cents), will organize the street, telling you what to scream.

If someone creates a stage with lights, sound system, if someone calls you, invites singers (which of course free to attend the event for the cause), if someone does all these things, you have to wonder HOW I MAKE MONEY .

So, we should point out to journalists, who interviewed the major representatives of the movement, the flags waving in the back of the respondents, framed with ill-concealed attention from the cameras, then are not all so 'Viola.

There is a whole rainbow of flags: the best parade of banners, flags and banners of all parties that are the envy for styles and colors, the Palio of Siena.

So let's say it openly, this costs people Viola, who is paying?

Enrico Verga


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