Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Artiste By Scott Kay Engagement Rings

In 1965 General de Gaulle, a war hero, was re-elected by the people of France.

Three years later, a "spontaneous" student revolt - May '68 - will be the tool used by large domestic and international coalition to bring down De Gaulle.

The May 68, was in some way, the first color revolution.

Purple people today, of course, be organized through the network drive without NO (?) Interference by political parties or coalitions in the government, is a pale imitation of the events of 68.

The agitation began in universities in early May, led by Franco-German Cohn Bendit, and immediately took a turn insurgency: barricades, burned cars, clash with police. On 13 May, the unions, not to be outdone by the students, the streets and declare a general strike. The union's demands are accepted by the government, but are rejected: clearly, the unions want pay rises, but the revolution.

After a few days' absence from Paris, De Gaulle returns, it dissolves the Assembly, and appeals to the people, the silent majority of France, which continues to believe. After a few days
mobilize "defense committees of the republic": millions of phone calls start to awaken the people pro-De Gaulle from house to house. Despite the general strike also transport, 30 May 1968 over a million French gather on the Champs-Elysée, a huge crowd that applauded the general, and shows the square, the province and abroad that the head of state behind in the country itself, which addresses all the powers, legal or not, coalesced to bend the republic.

Saturday, March 20, 2010 history repeated itself. In the square in Rome were those citizens present silent, those who do not strike, even those who get by with the crisis, sweating, puffing, but are optimistic. Those who elect a candidate if that candidate wants to their representation in government, democratically and legally.

Saturday, March 20, 2010 to the streets of Rome there was some kind of people "Viola" kindly "supported" by "too bold" to declare openly their democratic, voluntary 'to protest against the elected government .

Saturday, March 20, 2010 citizens and deputies, senators and ordinary directors of the district voting and was voted into the streets, in proud and confident shouting their desire not to give a few (according to the police station less than 50,000 units) third violet.

It's about time that the opposition, who was democratically elected and not able to reach a majority sufficient to govern, would deal with his plan to find a constituency, rather than shouting happily in the streets to protest ' current government.



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