Sunday, August 29, 2010

Steam Room Etiquette Men

start from zero, zero zero posts and comments, a new blog for a new way of thinking. This summer, with its slight hint of suffering, I changed most of all my seventeen years of life. When I speak of change does not mean a change in moral values \u200b\u200bor attitudes, but rather a different way of looking at life, until two months ago, I was always scope to consider only the positive aspects of the various situations in which I was involved, without expecting the possible adverse effects, always optimistic and hopeful. Now everything is different: I reflect, ponder, but above all I value the people around me taking off the thick blinders that, for all this time, I have made it too trusting and thus easy prey for liars and double agents. I'm not going to become a different person than I am and not want to isolate and shut myself in because of the disappointments suffered, my goal is simply to open eyes and good ears, and to enjoy the beauty of life, is to grasp the most insidious aspects, avoiding unnecessary suffering.